Day of 10 White Planetary Dog
Tone 10 (Planetary): Creative power to Perfect Manifestation, action of Producing
White Dog Seal (OC): Loves and emphasizes Heart (Truth)
Thought Pursuit on Death. Don't Panic, It's Organic...
I've been meaning to get around to one further clarification on why there's no need to panic since death is organic! And that is to further emphasize the truth of point #1, which is:
There is NO SUCH THING as "Death" as we (popularly) categorize it!
Let's break this very important fact down by example, shall we? (This will require a bit of repeating).
- Energy cannot be created or destroyed by our species
- Energy is what animates our existence, our bodies and our lives
- When a person transitions ("dies"), it is because their life force has gone out of them. The brain, the vital organs and the body stop functioning as a result of the consciousness no longer being encapsulated within the body
- You will recall, for example, that people in coma's generally require the assistance of technology in order to maintain their bodily functions. (This is because their consciousness is no longer present to oversee the body's more laborious functions)
So then, where does the energy go? To answer this let's consider other living organized systems in the OmniUniverse (this is the surest way to determine what the actual "nature" of living things is).
"Dying" Galaxies
In a Galaxy in which a Sun is transitioning ("dying"), whether by implosion or explosion, it is well known and "documented" that such an event generally does away with all other global bodies in that Sun's Solar System. (Suns, also known as "Stars," are some of the most attractive mass/matter/light in the entire OmniUniverse after all. That is why entire Solar Systems and Galaxies form around them). After all that mass converts back to matter because of the intense reaction, it drifts (aimlessly or purposefully?) through the OmniUniverse until it comes into contact with other drifting matter to which is has a chemical reaction and begins to form a NEW SOLAR SYSTEM and (eventually) a GALAXY; or it drifts into a formed galaxy and that excess matter is soaked in by the Sun and planets therein.
So Solar Systems and Galaxies do not die, they simply transition into other or new Galaxies and Solar Systems.
"Dying" Plant life
Here on Earth, where we have a variety of flora and fauna, we may also observe what happens after plants live out their livelihood. Let's take an Apple Tree, for instance. An Apple Tree grows up from an apple seed that has received the proper amount of sun, shade and rain. When the Apple Tree matures enough to bear fruit, it does so seasonally. If all of its fruit are not picked off by 3rd Dimensional Energetic Beings (us) or 2nd Dimensional Energetic Beings (animals) then the fruit falls to the ground after it has lived out its natural term on the branch (or because of rough weather patterns). These apples that fall to the ground may go through any of 3 processes.
- The apple rots on the ground, the seeds are left behind when the apple flesh/carcass disintegrates into the Earth and the seed either dries out from lack of proper nourishment (sun, shade and rain) or it receives proper nourishment (sun, shade and rain) and puts down roots in order to grow ANOTHER Apple Tree
- The apple on the ground is picked up by an animal, the animal eats it, the animal goes on about its existence until it decides it needs to take a #2. The animal #2's out the processed apple and apple seeds onto the ground somewhere. If the animal does this on the actual Earth, its #2 helps fertilize the apple seed, which will put down roots if it receives the proper amount of nourishment (sun, shade and rain)
- The apple on the ground is picked by us, or picked from trees by us. We eat the apples, we go on about our existence until we decide we need to take a #2. We #2 into the toilet and the processed apple and apple seeds go into the sewage system. The sewage system leads our waste either into a landfill or into the ocean where any seeds we've processed essentially go to waste.
"Dying" Animals
When animals die in nature, they are generally eaten by other animals or biodegrade into the Earth itself. Either way, dead animals generally can account for themselves in the deteriorating process. If their carcass is buried, then the worms and creepy crawly things of the earth will take care of them. If they are buried in a box, eventually their flesh rots off their bones leaving a box of bones for some future intelligent species to uncover or discover.
Much like "dying" galaxies, ecosystems recycle in a more obvious way. Let's take the Rain Cycle, for example. And I quote,
"The Water Cycle is constantly 'reusing' the Earth's water and altering its form. Water falls to the Earth as precipitation in the form of rain, hail, sleet, or snow. Some precipitation is absorbed, but a great deal flows downhill along the surface into rivers and streams and eventually into the ocean.By observing other living things and their energetic transitional processes, it is easy to see that the OmniUniverse lets NOTHING GO TO WASTE. No energy is wasted. It is always reused, recycled, evolved and whatever other infinite processes we hardly can even begin to fathom let alone name.
During its journey, or on the surface of a lake or river, some water evaporates. Some of the water that is absorbed by plants transpires. During evaporation and transpiration, water vapor moves into the atmosphere where it cools and condenses. Clouds form and the cycle begins all over again."
Considering that we as a species are also of the OmniUniverse, also are energetic beings and also are subject to the same treatment by the OmniUniverse as anything else living, it only follows that we too go through a similar process. We are not wasted. We cannot energetically die. We do not have the power to do so, because as 3rd Dimensional Energetic Beings we are not on the top of the "Energetic Food Chain."
So sorry if you were trying to get out of existence. Birth, "death," murder and suicide all will eventually lead you right back to Energetic Living! You're here, and conscious, and it's a privilege by the way so stop sulking and start applying yourself to considering what the hell you might actually be doing here. Everything serves a purpose in the OmniUniverse, whether we are willing or able to acknowledge that purpose or not. What is your purpose? If you're not curious I must confess I'm surprised, because I can guarantee your purpose is as unique as your individual energetic consciousness.
...I know mine is.
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