Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On The Omniverse

Day of 7 Blue Resonant Eagle
Tone 7 (Resonant): Creative power to Channel Attunement, action of Inspiring
Blue Eagle Seal (MEN): Creates and emphasizes Vision

On Mayan Time

For starters, I'm going to briefly explain why I prefer to document my life by Mayan time as opposed to Gregorian time. Gregorian time has, though originally documented closer to the actual concept of time in the Universe, been misconstrued by religious dogma to such a degree that - in terms of the concept of time IN RELATION TO THE UNIVERSE - it is closer to irrelevance than meaning. Documenting ALL OF TIME IN THE UNIVERSE based on when one individual on Earth died is (I'm about to cuss) fucking stupid. "A.D." and "B.C." do not mean shit in the Universe. What's to keep us from, I dunno, reconfiguring time to when....hmmm, Reagan was born under this system? Or hell, when I was born. Time did not officially start or end with Jesus and, while I don't have him on a direct line, I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree. Therefore, I prefer to document time by the Mayan Calendar, which is far more accurate than any calendar we currently can buy to mark the year in any regular store in the USA. The energetic meaning associated with the scientifically documented time in the Mayan Calendar is also useful in that it gives character to the energy of time, which I think is truer to time than the actual numbers involved. I wrote a paper on this in college and I'll dig it up and blow the dust off of it to see if I can get you a more concrete explanation of Mayan time in the scientific sense. Until then, enjoy the energetic meanings.

Universe vs. Omniverse

While that title makes what I'm about to say sound like some SUPER AWESOME massive destruction movie, I actually desire to differentiate between "my" concept of Space as opposed to what seems to be the general conception of Space. Even though the term "Universe" is not an inaccurate conceptualization of Space, in my opinion, it also is not very descriptive of the complexities of Space.

The prefix "Uni-" means*: (combining form) one; having or consisting of one.

By all dominant dogmas on the planet Earth this must be correct. It is said we come from one "Bang," one "God" or one "Nothing" by the majority of people. Therefore, whatever the source, it is evident that our existence in Space is of a unifying nature (though any observation of this planet might suggest otherwise)...

The definition of "Universe" is*: (n)  (the universe) all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.

The definition of "verse" by itself comes from the Latin "versus" meaning turned.*

The unfortunate thing, to me, about the idea of "one" in science is that it tends to lack its multiplicity within the language allowed to describe it. As if the Universe only contains "one" purpose as opposed to ALL purposes. As if even "one" isn't multifaceted. Thus, I prefer to emphasize the Onmi- nature of the Universe.

The definition of the prefix "Omni-" is*: (combining form) a) all; of all things and b) in all ways or places

I generally fluctuate between the terms "OmniUniverse" and "Omniverse" but essentially I think the concept of omni is important to consider in addition to the oneness of the meaning of Universe.

I think it is important to consider because in addition to us all being one in Space, we are all also equally unique in our energetic form/being. Thus, one and all have a dual and FANTASTIC meaning to consider. For all and everything in creation to come from the same source and yet for each energetic entity to be unique in itself is a great gift and privilege.

So from this point on I will be using the terms Omniverse and OmniUniverse.

On "Aliens"
Now, I'm going to verge into territory that has been stereotyped and blasphemed into an area of society that is generally considered crazy or irrational. Naturally I'm speaking on this topic to refute those claims.

If you would, I would like you to imagine a sphere hanging in a random portion of an infinite amount of Space. This sphere is not held up by strings or by people, nor is it resting on anything. Yet it hangs, perfectly in balance, in the middle of an INFINITE AMOUNT OF SPACE.

This sphere is called Earth, and like the other planets in its direct Solar System, it is essentially chilling in the middle of the air. By any account, this shit is CRAZY!  And yet, it exists.

Now, considering the "unlikeliness" of existing on a random planet in a random Solar System in a random Galaxy in random Space which is home to MILLIONS OF OTHER GALAXIES, many of which also have their own Sun Star, it would seem that such a RANDOM situation could not just be singular in its existence. Not to mention that this "Space" is CONSTANTLY EXPANDING AT AN EVER INCREASING RATE and therefore must be making MORE SPACE FOR MORE GALAXIES.

Considering this, and considering that I am alive and conscious enough to ponder upon this, it has followed - for me - to wonder upon this seeming randomness. Naysayers that most scientists are (meaning those that aren't inspired/creative enough to perfect upon or discover their own hypothesis or those that aren't in the quantum physics field), even they must admit that pattern is something primordial to the Omniverse. There is an order to things in the Omniverse. This is why planets don't shoot around like pool balls on a table and why the Omniverse isn't bumping us all around like it's some gigantic subwoofer.

Therefore, certain things that SEEM RANDOM must actually be set up by a series of events that are likely to come/manifest together in order to create the potentiated atmosphere for said seemingly random thing.

In other words, if there is one planet with intelligent life in the constantly expanding Omniverse....then there must be OTHER PLANETS WITH INTELLIGENT LIFE in the constantly expanding Omniverse. 

This is because the random manifestation has been potentiated at least once, which by way of Omniversal pattern makes it THAT MUCH MORE LIKELY TO POTENTIATE AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.  In fact, to think otherwise, by any account of known principles of the Omniverse, is BOTH EARTH-CENTRIC (and we've already discovered that the Earth is not the center of our Solar System let alone the Omniverse) AND IGNORANT.

Further, any learned scientist can explain to you that the Milky Way Galaxy is nowhere near the center of the Omniverse, which would mean we're late in the Galaxy Manifestation pattern...and therefore are not only NOT THE FIRST GALAXY to have arrived here, but "13ish Billion" (a poor estimation of an Infinite Omniverse's age in my opinion) years behind whatever first developed in our Spacial Community.

Now, I'm only emphasizing this because IT'S A FACT, and because I think our species needs to get our heads out of our planet and Solar System and take a look around at what's actually going on.

As consuming as life on Earth seems to be, and as consuming as we choose to make it, there is an ENTIRE ONMIVERSE OUT THERE. And you should know about it because THE OMNIVERSE IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD WHILE THE EARTH IS ONLY YOUR WORKPLACE.

Maybe look up sometimes, or MORE OFTEN. Maybe consider that every star you see in the sky is actually a SUN in another potential Galaxy. And maybe consider that you exist for a purpose that is yours to design. And maybe think that there's more to the Omniverse than "OUR KIND."

Thanks for listening and always feel free to holler back.

--------- NOTES ---------

* As stated by Oxford Dictionaries Online

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