Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Research, Stew/Marinate, Apply, Observe

Day of 5 White Overtone Mirror
Tone 5 (Overtone): Creative power to Empower Radiance, action of Command
White Mirror Seal (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness

When it comes to pursuing the conscious manifestation of our intent, there is no designated rulebook. The conscious manifestation of your intent is bound to be very personal and ultimately as unique as your own conscious energy. That being acknowledged, it may assist individuals to have a very loose rubric (defined as a statement of purpose or function). Toward that purpose or function, I offer mine.

In the act of watching myself, which I do constantly and - nowadays - almost unconsciously in normal circumstances; I have picked up on a pattern that works for me. "Works for me" means that when I apply this pattern, things generally go as I wanted them to (if not as I planned). In fact, I find it's better not to "plan" the way I want things to go. Rather, I've found it more effective to focus on the outcome I desire rather than what it will "look like." For example, if I'm in a confrontation with someone I set my intent that we resolve the conflict with a greater understanding between us and as unique entities. I do not try and design what that understanding will be, because if I did that I would ultimately suffocate the plethora of outcomes that might transpire (many of which are likely to be greater than what I can even imagine).

The pattern that I've observed that I use effectively is as follows:
  1. I research what I'm seeking to understand
  2. Depending on how much of my energy and focus is required for my research, I either stew on the research I have acquired; Or, for the longer term concepts I'm trying to grasp, I marinate on the research I have acquired. (When in doubt, marinate).
  3. After what seems to me to be an appropriate "stew" or "marination" period, I apply what I've researched and stewed/marinated upon into my actual existence (this is a key feature of consciously manifesting your intent. That is, to act purposefully and with awareness).
  4. This is probably the most difficult of my "4 step" process, as observation can be very subjective when it involves other people. That being said, after I apply my stewed or marinated upon research to my actual existence, I take time to observe the outcome to see if the concept I've researched and manifested into my life is actually conducive to my personal progress.
Clearly, the same processes do not (and cannot) work at the same level of effectiveness for everybody. Additionally, steps 3 & 4 are rapidly interchangeable. For example, in an argument/debate/confrontation with someone, you may apply your stewed upon research and immediately have to observe the outcome - interact again - and then continuously apply the research until you've observed that it is either a) effective for you, b) ineffective for you, or c) either but not properly researched (c is the feeling like you're banging your head against a wall in your attempt to communicate and be understood...but you don't know why).

The research and stew/marinate process are fluid. It would make little sense to take in information or knowing continuously without taking the time to consider everything that you are inviting in or seeking out. Then you have a big pile of research you've only collected and never bothered to actually process. That can be daunting. So for me I've found it's best to research and stew/marinate almost instantaneously. Naturally depending on the depth of what I'm researching "instantaneously" can mean weeks, months or years. But really, the research and stew/marinate process never ends; even onto application and observation. Most times stewing and marinating show me that I require more research upon which to stew and marinate.

Additionally, the "research" process is manifold. Research can be conducted in nearly any way, shape or form. Sometimes, for me, it involves reading or being out in the field (these are the traditional, popular and "officially" accepted forms or research, no?). Other times my research involves interacting with others, listening to others who are disseminating information, removing myself from others information (solitude), dreamwork, rest, discomfort, incredulity, phenomenon, and a hell of a lot of one-on-one (me with myself) practice. For you it may mean a million other exciting, terrifying but ultimately liberating things.

After a lengthy research, stew/marination period I - VERY CAUTIOUSLY (I mean ideally, but I've learned the hard way more than once) - attempt to apply my "new" knowing to my actual existence. In other words, I have a concept which I've researched and thought about/considered at length that I then decide to consciously manifest into my life. (Note: the conscious manifestation of your intent is both active and reactive. It can be applied just as effectively in response to something expected or unexpected).

Upon applying this "new" knowing to my existence, I observe. I observe with every possible sense available to me. I listen (both with my ears and with my consciousness), I see/look (both with my eyes and with my consciousness), I feel (both with my body and with my consciousness), I know (both with my understanding and with my consciousness), I smell and taste as well sometimes but this is harder to explain at the basic level.

(Note: your consciousness is your inherent intelligence. It's almost like the part of your awareness that isn't "learned" but, instead, reabsorbed. It does not require that someone speaks it to you in order for you to know, nor does your consciousness require reading. More so it requires unbiased observation - meaning observation without preferential treatment by you - and then an understanding inherited by those observations that gives you a sense of place and purpose). There's a lot more to consciousness that we/I may get around to discussing here; but consciousness is one of those concepts that takes lifetimes of research, marination, application and observation to fully understand.

Through this continuous "4 step" process I have quelled disputes, I have shattered unnecessary patterns of existence, I have gained knowledge and I have set myself free from unhealthy and unhelpful social conditioning.

If Researching, Marinating, Applying and Observing (RMAO) can assist me to such a degree, I can only hope that it may be equally helpful to you.

Further Seal Influences
Day's Guide, White World-Bringer (CIMI): Equalizes and emphasizes Death (Span Dimensions)
Day's Challenge, Yellow Star (LAMAT): Beautifies and emphasizes Elegance
Day's Hidden Power, Blue Night (AKBAL): Dreams and emphasizes Abundance
Day's Like-Minded Power, Red Dragon (IMIX): Nurtures and emphasizes Birth

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