Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Conscious Infinity, Intelligent Energy/Intelligent Infinity, Conscious Energy

Day of 8 Yellow Galactic Sun
Tone 8 (Galactic): Creative power to Harmonize Integrity, action of Modeling
Yellow Sun Seal (AHAU): Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire

I cannot say exactly what the line up was of Creation, but I suspect it was a combination of Conscious Infinity begetting Intelligent Energy or Intelligent Infinity begetting Conscious Energy. Really they are not divided, so I think they are more interchangeable than comparative.

Whatever is said to determine The Cosmos, they only exist because of Infinity. Infinity is an eternal presence. How could it not give birth to Consciousness? Infinity is forever in and of itself. Infinity is forever with itself and together as one Self. Conscious Infinity is one constant Being Of. Infinity is constantly Being. 

Is it any wonder, then, that you cannot "kill" Consciousness? If anything, you can only depart "with" it. And I say "with it" and not "from it" because you cannot be away from Consciousness - we are limitless consciousness' (granted we aren't the finest example, but we're also not very observant or imaginative as a socialized species). "With" is defined as indicating separation or removal in this context. That is, the removal of our consciousness' from Self's Consciousness; and the removal of ourselves from that limitless consciousness. The significance of departing "with" over "from" is also because the choice is made on both sides. Conscious Infinity (Self's Consciousness) allows all of itself freedom to express its experience in whatever way it decides and is capable of in any given moment. We, being the offspring of Self's Consciousness in the constant progression of Conscious Infinity, are extended this choice. We are equally free to make uninformed choices as we are to make informed choices. (On Earth we just socialize one another to continually make uninformed choices).

As well, in 3D formulated consciousness, we learn the expression of unique choices made of our own will. So this is really the time for us to "decide" upon things for our-Self ("You") and consequently for our other-Selfs ("Everything Else"). 

Now Infinity, being eternally present, eventually must have come into Consciousness of itself. That is if it wasn't conscious of itself from "conception," as infinity includes 0. THAT'S A LOT OF CONSCIOUSNESS. What would something do with all that Consciousness? Certainly it would begin knowing itself, dreaming itself, conceiving itself and finally BEING itself. So is it any wonder that the combined BEING OF Infinity and Infinite Consciousness begat Creation? And that Creation was a rhythm so harmonious and attuned with itself that it begat Energetic Love and Energetic Light? A creation SO LARGE (infinite) and SO KNOWING (consciousness) would not go about the process of creating if it did not have LOVE OF ALL OF ITSELF. I mean, Creation is a (I'm going to cuss) FUCK TON of work people. Are you looking around at this Being? CAUSE IT'S OFF THE CHAIN. It is seriously not fucking around. IT IS ON POINT. In fact, it is a figure 8 of PURE MASTERY AT WORK. 

Pure love creates pure light. It is energy so refined it vibrates at a higher frequency. It is a frequency so potent it is energetic, optical, vibratory and auditory. Further, it can create "SOLID" appearing things. (For us in 3D within InfiniteD {"infini-ty"). It is the greatest thing known to imagination because it is (PURE) imagination. 

Intelligent Energy is the product of Infinite Conscious Love that Creates Palpable Light. The Speed of Light is the Speed of Love. Conscious Infinity vibrates at the frequency of Energetic Love, and the vibrational frequency of Energetic Love generates Energetic Light. (It's incredibly Intelligent. It IS Intelligence). Both are incredibly palpable and are primordial in the event of Being/Existence. 

Is it any wonder we understand so little about traveling at the Speed of Light?!

So it is that we are Being, experiencing itself. 

We are Self Being experience. 

We are experiencing Being. 

We are all one with Self. Self is Being. 

Self (Conscious Infinity) and Being (Energetic Love and Energetic Light) are the Co-Creators of all experience. They, intertwined, are experience. We too are in and of experience... 

Even when we choose to depart with our awareness of Self's Consciousness. 

Though, when we choose to depart with our awareness of Self's Consciousness, we lose access and influence with the primordial powers. Which are both Creating and Being our experience (coherently) by CONSCIOUSLY utilizing Energetic Love and Energetic Light. This is "sorcery," "alchemy," "science," "magic" and "god power." This is the power of existence. 

It's quite the Birthright.

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