Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In a Purposeful Omniverse

Day of 4 Red Self-Existing Skywalker
Tone 4 (Self-Existing): Creative power to Define Form, action of Measuring
Red Skywalker Seal (BEN): Explores and emphasizes Space

There are many theories on this planet as to how the Earth and the Omniverse came about. Naturally, there are also theories about why this all came about. I'm not here to converse about which of the infinite theories is "right;" I am here to make an observation of how one theory is impossible.

It is not conceivable, by any standard of genuine observation, that an Omniverse like the one we are in came from "nothing" or means "nothing." It is a conclusion formed from very little observation or from very little opportunity (and opportunity is relative). Whether Existence itself is a tangible creation and a conscious one, or just a conscious one - it is still meaningful. Existence is meaning full. Full of meaning. Meaning as a synonym for purpose. The very fact that we, as sentient beings, consider ourselves CONSCIOUS speaks to the necessity of a Conscious Creator. A Creator greater than any species we know or any living thing, because it has essentially led to the creation of ALL LIVING THINGS (this requires a root understanding)!

Even if all of Existence was "an accident," it was caused by a pretty fucking INCREDIBLE accident maker. An INCREDIBLY BIG accident maker.

This planet is AMAZING! I mean, really and truly if you just take a moment to look at it as a whole, as EVERYTHING on it and OF it. How can you deny that Planet Earth is SUPERB? There is not one thing our species makes use of on this Earth (aside from consciousness itself, which always has first dibs) that did not come from this Earth or adapt to this Earth. 

That pretty much makes Earth the
oldest authority we have on most things "us."

An Elder, in my knowing, is an older being with wisdom that you both respect and may seek out for understanding (and who learns to impart wisdom by the actions of their very existence). Planet Earth is our Elder. The Sun and several of the other planets are Earth's Elders. The Galaxy is our Solar System's Elder. And the Infinite Omniverse is EVERYTHING's Elder.

Collectively the Infinite Omniverse makes up Existence. Existence is to be respected and sought out for understanding. 

What I understand from observing this Infinite Omniverse is that everything has its place and its purpose. It doesn't matter how small it is (atoms, love) or how different it is or how you perceive it. It's doing something here and it's here to do something. Nothing can go to waste in an Infinite Existence because everything is needed within Infinity. Infinity negates nothing. It even includes 0. Infinity is "IT," it is the IT factor and IT is 




Being that this is my understanding, it follows that everything created by Infinite Existence must also have and serve a purpose. Existence is purposeful. If it wasn't purposeful, nothing would work. The Omniverse must function or fall apart. If it fell apart, it would cease to exist as it is. The Earth being on strugg mode does not constitute that all of Existence is falling apart. It only indicates that Infinite Existence is not progressing smoothly in all places. That can be remedied within the time constraints of Infinity.

I do not think it necessary for me to explain why the Infinite Omniverse cannot have been created by nothing, being that it is everything, but if any require further clarification I certainly will put my mind to it later for a lengthier recognition.

So all of Existence has a purpose, which means the Omniverse is purposeful. If we are existing and if we are within the Omniverse, then we too must have a purpose. I do not consider the purpose of Existence to be destructive, as I see it create much more than it destroys. I also see that Existence allows things a relatively long time to go about the creation process before it destroys. And in this consideration I am not focusing at all specifically on our species. I am considering the life of atoms, of galaxies, of bacteria, of trees, of weather systems, of minerals and of animals as well. 

When Existence does destroy, it destroys with the intention of the Phoenix. There is a reason ash is good for soil and stimulates growth. The leveling of something and incinerating of something, often requires a complete reconceptualization of what will and can grow there next. Existence requires no assistance in this regard. Existence is quite adept at destroying purposefully and at will without the egoistic over-eagerness of our species to assist it without the proper respect.

If Existence desired that our main intention, as a species, should involve destruction at large; then Existence would have placed us on a Planet where we could breathe, but not create. If destruction were the purpose of Existence, then I think it would make more sense if we came into consciousness old with everything and left a tiny embryo with a very constricted will power. That is to say, it would be an Existence that erased rather than displayed. We are capable of seeing matter across the Omniverse that was destroyed millions of years prior to our existence. Why, if Existence was destructive, would that even be an option? Why leave around destruction for others to observe if the point is simply destruction itself? We could simply observe destruction when it happened to us, if that were the case.

I am arguing that Existence is purposeful in a productive way. Productive from produced from the Latin creat- which gave us the expression create (in this language). Not everyone can, will or wants to know what I'm arguing (not that it's mine, but meaning what I'm arguing at present). Many people seem to be of the philosophy that Existence is about the opposite of creation: destruction (from destroy from the Latin destruere, meaning to "not build" or to not create). Being that this is a popular philosophy, it has become acceptable for life to be lived by this pretext. But this decision is not made consciously or with conscious intent. In the context of our species, choosing destruction is not an organic choice of the person who lives it, but a synthetic relating imprinted upon them but not actually understood by them (nor by the people who passed it on to them). 

By the Law of Free Will, aka the Law of Chaos, it is permissible that each sentient being that has gained a "self consciousness" is allowed to make the choices it desires. Destruction can be chosen, even as it is administered organically by Existence itself. There is nothing that Existence is not willing to share in, and being that we are as much a part of Existence as anything else, it follows that everything is accessible if one can find the way to that understanding.

But Existence has a purpose in all of its forms. So if we, as a sentient species, choose to destroy, then Existence will display meaning through that destruction that is not simply the physicality of destruction itself. Existence will show us many, if not infinite, responses and reactions to our manifested destruction. By ripple effect, these actions and reactions will constantly resonate off one another until a synthesis is reached. Then this process infinitely repeats in a continually purposeful manner.

Considering the nature of this Infinite Consciousness that we call Existence, which I perceive to progress purposefully in a manner that exemplifies all creation and only necessary destruction; what understanding can our species derive from the self/collectively manifested and self/collectively perpetuated abuse that we have created on this planet?

...Further, what will our species be left with on Elder Earth when our destructive and creative manifestations fully resonate (whether they are in balance or not) and form into the next stage of collective synthesis?


  1. I haven't read your whole post yet so forgive me if you've already tackled the point I'm about to make.

    If a universe of conscious creatures, by its mere existence, requires a conscious creator, doesn't that mean that by extension, a conscious creator needs a conscious creator itself and so on ad infinitum?

  2. Can I also point out that Chaos Theory (which is the proper name for the Law of Chaos) doesn't explain free will, but rather the illusion of free will.

    The behaviour of a simple system can be explained and predicted because it follows the laws of physics and all the parameters are available to us. The behaviour of a complex system however depends on too many parameters which we can't necessarily account for. They still follow the laws of physics, but because we're missing parameters that enable us to predict them accurately, they are called chaotic (eg. the weather forecast). Chaos theory just points out that everything affects everything else.

  3. Hello skydromakk!

    Thanks so much for stopping by and engaging in conversation.

    Ad infinitum is correct. When I say conscious creator I'm not referring to a being, but rather Being itself. So really, Infinity made conscious by its perpetual being is what I believe the Creator/Creation to function as. I go into further detail about my particular understanding in earlier posts and will likely elaborate on the topic again and again throughout my maintanence of this space!

    I say Law of Chaos because I'm referring to my specific understanding of chaos, choice and "fate/destiny/response." I have not read much about Chaos Theory intentionally. So if I have come across it in other things then I may very well be fringing upon the topic.

    I don't disagree with what you've said about behavioral systems and our current inability to interpret complex systems accurately. However, I don't think choice and consequence/action and reaction/affect and effect are mutually exclusive. I see them balance and respond to one another ad infinitum. Thus, in my understanding, the "ripple effect" is very real on every level of energetic being.
