Day of 11 White Spectral Mirror
Tone 11 (Spectral): Creative power to Dissolve Liberation, action of Release
White Mirror (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness
Sometimes I sit around and think of what I might be doing, for my happiness and for the world, in the next 10 years. I consider making a 5-year-plan or a 10-year-plan. Then I turn on the News (from any area of the world) and I think to myself, "10 more decent years and I'll call us all lucky."
But seriously though, the Earth is not looking good right now. And I'll start this open thought process by clarifying that of course there are plenty of good things going on in both hemispheres; that being acknowledged, the majority of the things that are going on that are "powerful" enough to have immediate effects on the majority of peoples are not in that category.
It's making more sense to me now too, the reason that craziness takes hold of individuals so strongly and then spreads like wildfire among those not strong enough in their own knowing to resist the tide. And I'm realizing a lot of this bullshit going on around and on this planet has to do with PEOPLES OBSESSION/FEAR WITH DEATH!
I'm here to tell you with all the assurance that I have in me (which is quite a bit really):
A wise author once wrote that putting the words "Don't Panic" next to or onto anything that is ultimately infinite and complicated helps to alleviate the worst of the initial reactions of basic instinct. You know, "Run!" "Kill!" "Hide!" "Die!" and so on and so forth. So I'm going with that policy.
I won't beat around the bush here. I'm going to lay out for you, bluntly, exactly why you needn't fear death in ANY capacity (though you should fear killing, it's icky and unnecessary and really who wants the extra karma that comes along with it?).
- There is NO SUCH THING as "Death" as we (popularly) categorize it! That means that birth, death, murder and suicide all eventually lead you right back to ENERGETIC LIVING!
- In an INFINITE Energetic OmniUniverse, THERE IS NO KNOWN Energetic END!
- Because there is NO KNOWN END in an INFINITE OmniUniverse, YOUR ENERGY CANNOT "Die"
- "Death" is just a poorly chosen word for TRANSITION
- Science says accurately that ENERGY (our LIFE SOURCE) CANNOT BE CREATED or DESTROYED (by us, we're just not that high up on the OmniUniversal "food chain")
- Your body is a vehicle, don't become so attached to it that you allow it to define all that you are! (You are your consciousness, which is MUCH GREATER THAN YOUR BODY or even our tiny planet for that matter)
- Repeat, AS MANY TIMES AS NEEDED: YOU (your consciousness). CANNOT. DIE. because "Death" is just a POORLY CHOSEN WORD FOR TRANSITION!
- Your body is a vehicle for your consciousness, and it's doubtful that it will be the last one your consciousness ever has. If you bind your consciousness to your vehicle too closely, you may get stuck with it for longer than is necessary for your consciousness (you know, "Ghosts").
- We exist in these 3D bodies ONLY TO GAIN THE WISDOM OF OUR EXPERIENCE, and then eventually, after a few more incarnations, to simply GAIN THE WISDOM OF ALL EXPERIENCE.
- Number 8 (above) is MUCH COOLER than the residual affect of experience ("Death") so WHY NOT FOCUS ALL OF YOUR ENERGY ON THAT (#8) as transition is inevitable!
- The Earth is like your Workplace for this current incarnation as you, and the OmniUniverse is your ENTIRE neighborhood. Focus less on your Workplace as ALL EXISTENCE and MORE ON YOUR Workplace as 1 of MANY WORLDS you may eventually exist on. Not to mention 1 of MANY POSSIBILITIES!
- If you're panicking right now (or ever) about "Death," DON'T, and then carefully and slowly reread points 1-13
Consider for a moment, if you will, ALL OF EXISTENCE. Beyond books, beyond Solar Systems, beyond what you generally can possibly even imagine.
Think about if you were Intelligent Infinity, or God, or the Big Bang (Nothing produces nothing so for those contenting themselves in the idea that from nothing comes something and that something begets nothing I suggest you REALLY reconsider your logic there and also take into account that energy cannot be created or destroyed and the energy produced by something MUST ALWAYS GO SOMEWHERE and that somewhere is not nothing nor can it ever be).
So you're Intelligent Infinity, or God (any of the top ones), or the Big Bang. You're not a "human" or a "homo sapiens sapiens." Hell, you're not even a planet or a solar system or a galaxy! But you're here/there and you're conscious. After a while of hanging out with yourself, you think, "Why not spread existence around? Why not experience me in as many ways as is conceivably possible?"
Whooooooooooooooooa. THIS IS BIG! I mean, if you're Intelligent Infinity, God or the Big Bang you already know you're infinite because you're also conscious. So spreading yourself around is a PRETTY BIG PROJECT TO EMBARK ON! But hey, with infinity being your time limit, what's to stop you really? You've literally got all the time. Period. You're FULLY CONSCIOUS too, which is NUTS considering you're INFINITE. So you decide that why hang out with just you when you could be so much more?
So you create life out of yourself in MULTIPLE FORMS. I mean, you form galactic dust and debris and let them marinate on themselves for a little while. At some point you and them (you're one after all) say hey, "Why don't we/you create life too and see what that life does as well?" I mean, we/you're just hanging out anyway and you've got all the time in the world and all and so why the hell not? I mean, you're all that there is and you're not afraid to be more than that, which is NUTS cause you're already infinite, but you're curious and you're conscious and you're loving/lighting so you and your extensions go to work.
BAM (I mean, it took more time then that but it's a long story when you're considering the infinite): You've created planets. Planets are cool, they hang out for a bit getting to know themselves. Sun's are particularly intelligent and so you, as Infinite Intelligence say to Sun's, "You're pretty good at understanding me/us and my/our purpose, why don't you go about this creation thing on your own for a bit while I go do some stuff over on this side of me."
At some point we get Earth happening in this mix of infinite, and so you really have to consider:
WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? And by here I mean, WHAT IS GOING ON IN THIS OMNIUNIVERSE? WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT AND SHIT? I mean, it's pretty cool so basically I'm just kind of wondering WHAT AM I DOING HERE AND WHAT'S MY PURPOSE?
That's your mission basically, so I'm not going to go on and answer that question for you. But considering you have INFINITE TIME and INFINITE RESOURCES (OmniUniversal resources, not that glinting rock and tree colored paper) and INFINITE POTENTIAL perhaps it's time you start thinking about you on a BROADER SCALE. Beyond Transition and whatnot.
This OmniUniverse is hard at work being all that it is in the infiniteness of its existence. And since All is One and One is All, it wouldn't kill us to start trying to work on the OmniUniverse's level! (You know, paying consciousness forward and creating and whatnot).
Which basically means we've got to get over that little hump we've called "Death" and these temporary vehicles we call "bodies" but that we often, ultimately, consider to be our "actual selves."
You're/We're the OMNIUNIVERSE, okay? It's about time We/You start ACTing like it!
Further Seal Influences
Day's Guide, White Mirror (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness
Day's Challenge, Yellow Star (LAMAT): Beautifies and emphasizes Elegance
Day's Hidden Power, Blue Night (AKBAL): Dreams and emphasizes Abundance
Day's Like-Minded Power, Red Dragon (IMIX): Nurtures and emphasizes Birth
Day's Challenge, Yellow Star (LAMAT): Beautifies and emphasizes Elegance
Day's Hidden Power, Blue Night (AKBAL): Dreams and emphasizes Abundance
Day's Like-Minded Power, Red Dragon (IMIX): Nurtures and emphasizes Birth
thanks San.