Day of 8 Blue Galactic Hand
Tone 8 (Galactic): creative power to Harmonize Integrity, action of Modeling
Blue Hand Seal (MANIK): Knows and emphasizes Accomplishment (heals)
Thought Pursuit on the Eye of the Storm...
In the Eye of the Storm there is clarity and calm. The Eye of the Storm is a balanced centered-ness that maintains its position, even within the chaos(1) of the external. It is a dense place and palpable. Because the conditions of the Eye of the Storm are so focused upon that manifestation's sensitive(2) awareness of all that goes on around it, it takes on density. That density is compounded because it is focused and directed towards an inner stillness which is wholly present to everything it is engaging with. Being that the Eye of the Storm holds space within the chaos of the external, it requires a palpable substance and density to maintain its integrity as a place of calm. Balancing energetic chaos, which is all around, requires open connectivity within centered focus. Open connectivity (presence to and awareness of ones surroundings) within centered focus (presence in and awareness of ones acts, both in and of themselves and in response to ones surroundings) provides clarity. This clarity is extremely powerful and can only be maintained consistently and sustainably when cultivated within calm. The calm is what allows the sensitive awareness of clarity to be present to everything in its surroundings as well as utilized in response to anything of its surroundings. This highly intentional combination of circumstances creates energetic density. This energetic density, maintained within the Eye of the Storm, is powerful because its sensitive awareness is so responsive(3). The quicker this energetic density can assess its engaged sensitive awareness to external chaos, the easier it will be for it determine the circumstances and produce for itself an intended outcome.
(1) chaos: a) Physics behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions b) the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe.
(2) sensitive: a) quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences b) of photographic materials prepared so as to respond rapidly to the action of light.
(3) responsive: a) reacting quickly and positively b) responding readily and with interest or enthusiasm c) answering
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