Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Education

Day of 7 Yellow Resonant Seed
Tone 7 (Resonant): Creative power to Channel Attunement, action of Inspiring
Yellow Seed Seal (KAN): Targets and emphasizes Flowering (Ideas)

With all the ridiculous, comical, insane and unfortunate things taking place around the Earth today, I have to wonder whether it's idiocy, fear, blindness or "evil." 

These are just a few examples of the absolutely ridiculous, comical, insane and unfortunate things that are CURRENTLY taking place, as we sit, speak, write and learn.

So I have to ask myself, what is the reason for this bad education? Banning people from using PLANTS to cure if plants are not the most natural thing for us to use; Prescribing and taking pharmaceutical meds even though there is little evidence of actual healing, help or curing but MUCH evidence of deterioration of health, sanity and energy; Cutting down trees like they are only worth the buildings they build; Polluting water like it naturally grows in plastic bottles; Rape, Destruction and War....

I know that some would suggest it's money or greed that fuels such crazy behavior. 

Greed is a very sensible argument. But greed is a means to an end. Greed is not a given, it is learned. If there was no impression that there was not enough to be had, to be shared or to live with, then greed would not exist. So it cannot be greed alone that fuels this sort of practice. 

Money is a fabrication. It's paper made from trees or coins made from metals. It has no intrinsic value. You cannot eat it or drink it. It does not provide actual physical protection. Money is a means to an end. So to imply that hominidkind makes bad decisions based on ego-obsession with our own creations (money) would be to make a true implication, but money alone doesn't answer my question. As well, obsession with money is actually a form of idiocy, as far as I'm concerned. 

But idiocy is not an absolute. I mean, certainly it is very true of some people, but as I believe in reincarnation and that we are all and everything (when we learn how to be present in the omniuniverse), I don't actually think idiocy is a final destination. It is certainly involved in many journey's, but it is not the destination itself. Idiocy is the result of some other action or doing that paralyzes individuals into a state of idiocy, which is a form of stagnancy. Stagnancy is the lack of progression. Progression for our species largely involves knowing. So idiocy is an extreme form of not knowing.

What about fear? The unsatisfying thing about fear being an absolute is that fear is a state of being, and a state of being that can be learned to overcome. Certainly fearmongering does not assist the majority of people in learning how to concur their fears, but what inspires fearmongering? Why do our world governments invest in fearmongering? Obviously many of them want control, whether that be in terms of force or money (both resources nations deal in heavily these days). But what drives them to want to be in control of not only their own lives, but of everyone's? 

I can see that it must be a very particular kind of fear that manifests the world we live in now. Certainly a fear of death, which I have addressed on multiple occasions in different posts, and certainly a fear of self-manifestation (aka: I can't do this by myself, thus I must use people). In a world such as ours, there is certainly also a level of actual, tangible fear of other people as well...which stems from the "We Are Alone" theory.

But fear has been around a LONG time. I mean, in some sense of the term our species was born with it. That being acknowledged, fear isn't evil. Fear is a tool, like any other resource/actuality on this planet, that we can use to strive towards our highest self. That is why when you face your fears you either feel liberated or you are liberated (karmically speaking - I recognize this warrants further conversation...another post).

So certainly fearmongering has not helped our species to recognize fear as a tool. I mean, clearly fearmongerers know fear to be a tool...but those being "feared upon" (so to speak) must recognize this as well, in order to turn their fear into a tool to reach toward their highest self/ideal/goal.

Why is fearmongering and fear-actualization something our species has felt is necessary to our education as beings? Why live limited fearful lives in an omniuniverse of bold and enthusiastic existence?

It is a type of blindness that causes us to do so. This is the same blindness that makes "death" an enemy and life an anxiety. It is also the same blindness that shelters those of the "We Are Alone" theory. This blindness isn't evil either, it's just a side effect of the growth process. But when we nurture our blindness and become comfortable, it has deteriorating effects on us and the world outside of us.

This deterioration of our existence is a result of physics' cause and effect, but it also happens because "the world outside of us" doesn't take pride in stagnancy, blindness or ignorance. The planet is progressing, the trees are progressing, the plants are progressing, the animals are progressing, the soil is progressing, even the rocks are when the "dominant" species on a planet that is clearly progressing takes pride in and nurtures their stagnancy, blindness or kind of slows down the process. It also kind of leaves the stagnant species behind...

"Progressing" is a term I am using (in this context) to express an energetic evolutionary process. It has nothing to do with quantity (clearly animals are being killed off), "death" (doesn't exist), or formal existence as it is known to our species (speaking, autonomous movement, clothing, opposable thumbs, etc.).

"Behind" is a term I am using (in this context) to express devolution, deterioration, a lack of lightness in being, a lack of understanding and harmony with being and a lack of being present in all that is.

Being that this is the current state of our species existence on this planet and in this omniuniverse, one must ask themself, "HOW DID WE GET HERE?" Certainly idiocy, fear and blindness can get you very "behind" in the "progressing" process, but can it be those three things entirely?

What about "evil"? Evil, in my understanding, is an acknowledgment of sinister intent that is perverse and unlike life. It is quite a strong word. "Evil" involves a strong disregard for all life but ones own, or all life outside of one's own immediate interests; it also involves a sinister means of controlling those lives that one seemingly doesn't care about. The sinister plus the disregard appears perverse to those not involved.

So "evil" is an INCREDIBLY strong label. It is condemnation of a specific form of existence. Because of this, I do not think it is easy for the label of "evil" to really be embodied. For someone to be really and truly evil (in actuality), they must be intentionally sinister, intentionally controlling and intentionally disregarding of everything but their own desires. This intent involves no greater plan than the absolute gratification of self at the cost of everything else. In this way, I am not sure most people who have been labeled as "evil" actually are. However, I recognize that many of the people who have been labeled as such have committed evil acts. But are they themselves, at the core, evil?

For me, I would have to say no. Unless they are, essentially, genius-ly bad. Genius-ly bad actually means GENIUSLY bad. It involves more than just manipulating numb, ignorant or "blind" people. It involves mastering the self in such a way that one can manipulate ANY kind of person, other geniuses included. Really, it comes to mastering the power of self-love-over-all rather than mastering the power of other-selfs-love-with-all (to be discussed at length in a later post).In this way I recognize that "evil people" have evil intentions and perform evil acts, but are not "pure evil."

Corporations have evil intentions and perform evil acts, but they are not masters of evil. Their power lies in manipulating/intimidating the weak and silencing/killing the strong. Someone who is truly evil has the capability of weakening the strong. Killing someone strong weakens the movement they are involved in, but it does not weaken them. It just releases them into a form of existence they know very well, which is the existence of the energetic body.

Some would say that an embodiment of evil is the "Devil," but I see more people using the "Devil" as a means to an end and an excuse than I've seen the "Devil" use people. If the "Devil" were real and acting upon or through people, there would be no mistake about it. Because when evil reveals itself, it puts on a fucking show. It is calculated, not willynilly.

So here we are, in our Bad Education, with no obvious road to how we got here, why we are here, or how the fuck we're going to get out of this situation.

On the species level, it cannot be evil, because as a species we are not collectively genius enough to master evil. (Most of our species doesn't even know what they are are doing...)

On a species level, it is a form of idiocy, which manifests in the fact that we refuse to learn from experience, from mistakes and from history...thus dooming ourselves to repeat the same unhealthy, degrading and deteriorating behavior again and again and again and again.

On a species level, it is fear. The great fears being of death, of life, of other and of self.(Yikes!)

On a species level it is blindness. And not just a blindness that is organic and a process of growth, but a blindness that is chosen, pursued, nurtured and made an ideal. A blindness of choosing not to know even when there is knowing to be had. A blindness that prefers ignorance because it is comfortable and it is present. A blindness that doesn't seek, doesn't strive, doesn't acknowledge, doesn't know and therefore does not see.

Considering the magnitude of the lack of self-accountability present within our species, there is no feasible way for one person to change the tide of stagnancy in one lifetime. It must be a grassroots effort, on the ground. The ground being the intention of every individual person on the planet Earth.

We cannot move forward without ourselves. We cannot move forward without our own intent. It's a little overwhelming for one person to even think about, let alone fix.

So what are we waiting for? anybody intentional out there?

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