Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Winter Solstice "2016"

Day of 4 Yellow Self-Existing Star
Tone 4 (Self-Existing): creative power to Define Form, action of Measuring
Yellow Star (LAMAT): Beautifies and emphasizes Elegance

I curated and penned my first write-up concerning an "astrological day" (such as Solstice, New Moon, Full Moon, etc.). You can find that writing below!


*Sources will be below this write-up in case you wanna do further reading.
This is a write-up for the entire Winter (Solstice); 
Feel free to take your time reading it!*

0. The first thing that occurred to me was the number 4. 4th Season of the year, 4th dimensional Earth and 4 corners to the boxes we place ourselves in when actually we live in concentric circles. No surprise, then, that when I pulled each of the 3 cards I will be presenting below, the first card I pulled was #13, so 4. 


1. From the Gaia Matrix Oracle we gain the wisdom of Card 13: Judge/Oracle 

We run through 4 stages in the learning process of this card...

a) Cosmic Law: The inevitable. The future of your actions. The response to your call or action, no matter how many years out. The last ripple. The entirety of creation coming together to meet you from moment to moment. The things you cannot make up yourself. The things you created but in their own rite. The things you've done when they're carrying on by themselves. 

b) Self-Conflict: The final battle of recognition. The process of taking bitter medicine. The looking in the mirror when you'd rather just run and yell. The incoherence of your circumstances in those moments when you cannot deal. The world rushing up to meet you when you are convinced you are all by yourself. Dealing with your self. Tending to your own problems. Knowing you need help. 

c) Trials: The tests life presents you with so you can prove to yourself and existence whether you've actually learned something you claim to have gone through already, know already and gotten over. The things that fall apart regardless of how many times you've convinced yourself that you did the thing that needed doing to fix them. The going through hell. The knowing what you've made of yourself and, thus, of what you are actually capable. The making of your current self. 

d) Conscience: The acceptance of your trials. The quiet moments of self reflection that you don't battle. The wondering what else you didn't know about yourself and being willing to find out. The hearing other things than the voice you've always known to be "yourself." The wondering without knowing or needing the answer. The thing that shows up all by itself without your constant "tending" and forced "help." The letting; letting happen, letting go, letting something else. The reward for doing battle against what you've known to be your self. 

Some good quotes from the write-up on this card that may prove useful to you...

"The JUDGE/ORACLE archetype is that power of awareness and justice within you that enables the finest tuning to your own karma, or accumulation of past thoughts, feelings and actions. Some thoughts and deeds may be positive and others negative."

"Now is a time when you can see exactly the source of error in yourself, and by this precise insight, any blind spots will be revealed and will vanish through your confrontation of them."

"There are seven minds in the heart and seven hearts in the mind." (How many do you allow yourself to go through before making a decision you consider important? How many reflections do you allow yourself before you decide?)

"Examine your life, asking always, 'What is at the source of why I thought or did that?' Ask deeply of all the things you have hidden and don't want to see."

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Be the Death of Me

Day of 6 White Rhythmic Mirror
Tone 6 (Rhythmic): creative power to Organize Equality, action of Balance
White Mirror (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness

I read astrological forecasts. (Probably not a big surprise if you've poked around this blog at all). I also read the news. I discriminate against both accordingly and on a case-by-case basis. Some news reporting is garbage, as are some forecasts. And then there are those that ring true.  

I've spoken to different people with varying beliefs on both subjects. And what I have said more or less consistently to everyone is, "I don't discriminate against the truth." Now, obviously I'm not perfect so this a generalized hope rather than an actual summation of my lifestyle. That being said, I have no problem with gathering knowledge, wisdom or truths from science, mysticism, elements, people, or evils. All these things can be teachers and, if experienced or encountered, will have influence of some kind. Even if that influence is apathy, disregard or dislike. 

So, long story short of the why: I wouldn't exist if the planets in our lovely little solar system had not aligned up exactly as they did, in that order, until "they were all" satisfied and became the round about motions we exist within today. If I only exist because the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mercury and the other planets formed just in the way they did, then I don't see why such planetary bodies would not have occasional influence over my state of mind. I breathe but for the planets, why should my moods not also be affected by them, who made me possible? (They don't spin because we tell them to). 

I rule nothing out if it makes sense. I also try and live my life with integrity, intention, transparency and communication. 

So, when I read PowerPath's new monthly astrological forecast for November--which has the theme "forgiveness"--I had a "Stop Moment" ("come to Jesus") with myself.   

I am a 29-year-old person, who--for most of my life--has been "healthy." I have not been to the hospital often, nor for anything severe, and I have eaten most whatever I wanted for the entirety of my existence. This is due to my good fortune more so than it has ever been because of my intentions. I have done physical activities in the past and I have limited sugars, but for many years I have eaten foods (and drank drinks) I have allergies to and I have eaten with no thought to true nutrition or actual dietary consistency for my body. After 29 years, that self-indulgence has taken its toll on my fortitude.  

Now, I'm not sure exactly why reading an astrological forecast with the theme of "forgiveness" made me have a Stop Moment and think about my diet and the way I have been and known myself for the past 29-years; but I do know that is what I needed to reflect on. 

Let me be clear: I'm not changing my diet on moral grounds and, for as long as I can remember, my modus operandi has largely been to ignore prolonged bodily discomfort for temporary edible pleasures. But today I spoke with a 5th generation Shaolin Monk and read this particular astrological forecast and it just clicked in my head that, by gawd fuck it, some shit has to change. And that shit is my own behavior against myself! That little shit is ME! Thus, whether or not the astrological reading is "true," it has proven useful and it is because of reading the forecast that I can even admit the following.