Our Privilege

It seems evident that all living things are connected and have the potential to interact (we all came from one Bang, one Nothing or one God according to the dominant hierarchies), but it doesn't always follow that all living things interact purposefully or understand each others phraseology. I think this has something to do with the mass of said living thing, how said living thing expresses creation (phraseology) and said living thing's purpose within Ultimate Creation. A single atom, for example, seems like a living thing likely to be knowing of nearly everything. It is the basic unit of a chemical element, it expresses creation by forming an ever-varying range of molecules and its purpose revolves around developing/creating varying forms and manifestations of matter. All living things interact and are connected to it, but not all living things interact with it purposefully or can understand its phraseology (its science and its purpose). 

Our species (HSS), on the other hand, is meatier in mass, expresses creation through language, networks of communicated understandings (society) and physical manifestation...we're really not so different from atoms. As far as our purpose is concerned within Ultimate Creation, I think HSS' are privileged to be alive and exist and create in the way that we do (through language, physical manifestation and networks of understandings), I think our species is privileged to inhabit a planet as plentiful as Earth. Not to mention that much like individuals, no two planets are the same and because of this our privilege is attached to a responsibility. Just like the privilege of life is connected to the response of "death," so too our privilege to live as HSS' is connected to a responsibility to take care of ourselves, each other, and this planet that we have been blessed to coexist with...until natural death.

I believe our HSS purpose is to create and manifest our ultimate and unique truth(s) while we exist, and until we depart from life, this lifetime, or from the corporeal manifestation of existence that we identify as living as a HSS. And because we're given such an amazing privilege and chance to create and manifest our ultimate and unique truth(s), there is something that we also must do to contribute to the quality of all Life and Creation in Time...

I'm talking about responsibility and Responsibility. And I'm gonna go ahead and define Responsibility with a capital "R" as that which you owe to yourself, and responsibility with a little "r" as that which you owe to your society (& coexisters). Additionally, I am talking about such responsibility on a world-wide scale. I like to call it "World Citizenship." (Okay, so technically there are a lot of worlds with an infinite amount of alternate consciousnesses. So, let's just start with Earth Citizenship). We all happen to be residents of the planet Earth. Therefore, whether people like to admit it or not, we are all connected. It is because we are contained, in a planetary sphere. But that does not mean we are not free to creatively express our existence.

I'm discovering the freedom to creatively express our existence comes with a dual condition: choice and R/responsibility. Freedom (for short), in its entirety, would be the ultimate consciousness (AKA Enlightenment). So, God, for some. Or PoB (Power of Being), as I have come to call it. The only clause in the Life and Freedom Contract is that your "r&R" is equally distributed. That is to say, the effort you put into one is equal to that which you put into the other. That clause stands whether you put in the most, or the least. They must be equal. Additionally, this contract for life comes with an obligatory silent co-signer: Death.

Along this vein of thought, I have recognized that my Responsibility to myself is great, and that I care a lot about my integrity. Concordently, I am recognizing that my responsibility as an Earth Citizen is great, and that I care a lot about the world's integrity. Having looked at all the definitions of this word, it is sad to think a contained spherical world such as our own does not have integrity.

Responsibility is our obligation and is ultimately unavoidable for a living HSS (I'm referring to lifetimes here). OUR PRIVILEGE, however, revolves around choices, and how our choices inform our sense of R/responsibility. When reflecting upon one's choices, or our species choices, one must consider our Earth Citizen choices, including the choices we all make in our everyday interactions with others and the choices we make for ourselves in our individual lives.

But the thing I'm learning about choice(s) is that the way you treat others directly corresponds to the way you treat yourself. How you take care of yourself is the way you take care of others. To treat and care for others well, you must do the same for yourself; and that requires getting to know yourself truthfully. That doesn't mean tailoring who you are to fit conceptions of what is acceptable. Because "yourself" is a completely unique entity in the Universe, ultimately nobody can know you but you (that doesn't mean people can't have a good idea though).

Considering that you must know yourself to live productively, and that each World View/Perception is unique, it follows that modern day societal projections about what "Men," "Womyn," "Children," "Adults," "Others" and finally, "Humæn Beings" are is at a seriously detrimental stage right now. So detrimental that if you pursue existing within those rigid projections of selfhood, you may find yourself seriously f-d up. Or at the very least, seriously lost within your own existence and not really living your life.

I mean, the conception of self can't really be taught, it can only be learned. And I'm discovering the best way to learn is by observing, both in the 1st person and the 2nd person. So the best way to help learning should be something like existing...the best way to help learning should be by living...truthfully. Learning based on false perceptions seems to lead to a lot of bad decisions. If our history as a species, rooted in ignorance, is to be taken as an example.

I would like to state that I don't think Responsibility requires absolute self-absorption. After all, our consciousness is informed by our perception of things we consider outside of ourselves and in reflection (the Id and the Ego). Mostly I think R/responsibility just requires an honest self-awareness, where you, as an individual, can look at yourself and tell yourself when you're making well informed choices or poorly informed choices. To do this, you must engage your emotions to some degree, because they are a barometer of what makes you feel "right" (safe within yourself) and "wrong" (vulnerable within yourself). Responsibility is also realizing that you'll never be perfect, and that is okay (and perfectly natural), while still striving to be the best version of yourself possible (which, if not perfect, can still be REALLY AMAZING). 

Taking care of yourself has more to do with being healthy in mind, body and spirit energy. 

Taking care of yourself has less to do with indulging every immediate desire. The latter is referred to as "spoiled" for a reason.

So, are you true to yourself? Are we true to ourselves? Are we true to others? Are you true to others? How are you informing your sense of R/responsibility with your choices? How are you existing within your Life and Freedom Contract?

Because if we as individuals, and as a species, cannot answer these questions about our own personality and actions, then it seems very unlikely that we will ever be able to create and manifest our ultimate and unique truth(s). And if it is our purpose (and I believe it to be at least one of them) to create and manifest our ultimate and unique truth(s),  but we do not fulfill that purpose, it seems likely that we will quickly fade into a different form of existence, not defined by the greater characteristics of the HSS species.

Essentially, if we refuse to fulfill the responsibility assigned to our form of existence, then we will cease to enjoy the privilege of said (HSS) existence.

Our Privilege and Our Responsibility, as the species HSS, are Mutually Inclusive.