Thursday, May 12, 2011

Before Time

Day of 9 Blue Solar Storm
Tone 9 (Solar): Creative power to Pulse Intention, action of Realizing
Blue Storm Seal (CAUAC): Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation

I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you a bit about what I think takes place before Earthly Incarnation.... Yes, I do believe something takes place for babies before incarnation aside from coitus.

I have titled this post Before Time because I believe time only exists (is perceived or experienced) in the lower dimensions, which we hominids might associate with Energy Centers or Chakras. The lower dimensions being: 1 (awareness, basic instinct, origins including ancestry, sexual orientation, core principles, behavioral functions, etc.), 2 (growth, emotional temperament, origins of self, sexual preferences, unique identity formation, culturing by immediate placement - i.e. Planet, Landscape, "Continent," "Country," "Society," "Family" - etc.), and 3 (self-awareness, relation to social groups, sense of placement in Existence, origins of purpose within society, conceptions of connectivity to other-selfs, etc.).

When we arrive at the 4th Dimension/Energy Center/Chakra, we step upon the threshold of the "Gateway." I call it the Gateway because it is the threshold before one is initiated into the experiential work of the upper Dimensions/Energy Centers/Chakras. As well, when one crosses the Gateway, their experience of Free Will is taken to a new stratosphere; which will bring us back to the title of this post, Before Time, after I finish up this thought on the upper dimensions.

The reason that I believe the 4th Energy Center to be the "Gateway" is because the 4th Energy Center encompasses Universal or Unconditional Love, self Love and Understanding of the connectivity of Existence.

This is a HUGE deal.

It is difficult, particularly in a species socialized such as ours, to cross this Gateway. We as a species do not, as precedent, socialize one another to be understanding, loving of self or loving of other-selfs. We also, as a species, do not facilitate an understanding of the purpose of Existence that is connected to everything outside of us. We do not, as a contemporary species, respect the land we live on, or the plants and trees that thrive on and clean this planet. We do not, as precedent, respect the rocks and minerals that permit us to build and to heal ourselves; we do not respect the oceans, rivers and lakes that provide us with sustenance or the animals that are cohabitants of this planet. We do not, as a contemporary species, respect the air that we breath or the bodies that we inhabit for this brief Earth Cycle.

We, as a contemporary species, do not respect much of anything. Most of us do not even respect ourselves. Most of us have lost touch with the sacredness of our existence in coexistence with all that is.

There were many cultures (of our species) that had this understanding and developed their existence around it: Native Americans, Celts, Ancient Bedouins, Aborigines, Ancient Polynesians, Ancient Tribes of Africa, Inuit, Eskimo, Nubians, Brahmans/Gurus, Ancient Egyptians, Ancient Asians, Mesoamericans, etc.. Most of the above cultures have died off, been systematically KILLED OFF or "civilized" by the very people/cultures who have nurtured the society that we live in today. The decedents of these cultures (oppressors and oppressed), which, SURPRISE SURPRISE, includes every living and active member of our species, maintain this legacy. 

We participate in the perpetuation of the societies we currently live in, after all, and therefore in the present we are as much to blame for our lack of loving, understanding and connectivity as are our ancestors, who decided that the above parties were better off dead.

Thus, when a person crosses the Gateway of the 4th Energy Center, that person crosses an entire history of our species, of our planet, and of their individual upbringing (family, society, country, continent) in order to find themselves, once again, back at ONE.

The understanding and love for the ONE CREATION - which we all coexist in since we are conscious, experiencing Existence and within the OmniUniverse - is an essential key to unlocking the Gateway. It solidifies our purpose within all of Existence and it shows us what we are essentially doing here. It is a Gateway that, when crossed, initiates our baby steps onto our ultimate path and unique purpose; which we contribute to the Collective Creation in order to further our Infinite Beingness. We begin our walk of conscious co-creation with The Creator when we cross this Gateway and it is an honor and a gift to be given Free Will to this extent. Because of it being a great honor, it can only be earned through our unique works ("self") and our collectivity of unique works (species socialization).

Every being has a different path that brings them across the Gateway, but it is up to each individual consciousness to desire to walk that path and to walk it until they've arrived at the Ultimate Destination. I view the Ultimate Destination as being in the eye of the beholder/Creator, where all is known and all is. The Eye of The Creator is where Free Will, Unconditional Love, Infinity and Lack of Judgment sit unified. Together they permeate and allow for the possibility of Existence.

When we cross this Gateway, we may make our way to the 5th Energy Center where we learn how to speak this understanding of the 4th Energy Center and cultivate our true voice. Our true voice is each of our unique voices (reciprocating frequencies) tuned to the OmniUniverse. At our best I believe the 5th Energy Center assists us in expressing our unique experience of Existence without suppressing any other being. We might do this by being a filter, or a channel, for Wisdom. Wisdom with a capital W is the Wisdom of The Creator. Naturally in a 3D body it is impossible to encompass it all, but we needn't encompass it all when there are other beings who also have access to this Wisdom and may filter it through their 5th Energy Center (whether they are aware they are instructing or not). Together, when we are in alignment with our selfs, purpose and Energy Centers, we may collectively speak the Wisdom of The Creator.

The 6th Energy Center can function as a "Direct Line" to Conscious Infinity. The 6th Energy Center is where much is known to be true without necessarily having an experience in the current lifetime that speaks directly to that knowledge. For instance, I have not been to War in this incarnation, but I know innately that War is futile and does not serve the Ultimate Purpose of The Creator. I believe I have received this information from past incarnations, where I was certainly a warmonger in at least one lifetime, as well as from the innate and collective knowledge of the Planet Earth (that certainly knows better than anyone how useless War actually is).

When I say a "Direct Line to Conscious Infinity," I mean that I believe that all the knowledge of Creation is around us and is accessible. When we are tuned into Existence and we are open to perceive what is actual, our 6th Energy Center translates all this knowledge (or at least what is useful to us for the purposes we serve in any given lifetime) into our consciousness so that we may use it to prevent ineffective practices from perpetuating. This "Direct Line" also assists us in innovations that create societies that are the opposite of "ineffective practices" perpetuating because their intention is to harmonize and build rather than to ignore and destroy. When inventions are called "before their time" or when people are referred to as "before their time" they are generally manifestations of a relation to the 6th Energy Center.

The 7th Energy Center (as well as the 1st) serves as the sandwich bread to a sandwich. The 1st Energy Center accesses and initiates all of our potentials as evolving beings. The 7th Energy Center reflects all that has been done from the 1st Energy Center. The 7th Energy Center takes the form of all the work done (or not done) within the first 6 Energy Centers. When a being progresses through all the lessons that are necessary to it in the 7th Energy Center, I believe it evolves and reunites with the Eye of The Creator. From this vantage point it assists The Creator with all of Creation as a Co-Creator. (Or perhaps starts back at 1 in an alternate dimension of a higher frequency). what's this all have to do with Before Time?

Well, when we cross the Gateway it is my understanding that we begin to have a hand in our incarnations. We observe all of our past lives and all lessons learned and unlearned and from that determine (with our Higher Self, more on this in a future post) how next we will incarnate. That includes...  

Where: Dimension (as in the actual ones and not just the representative equivalents present within every dimension, aka bodily Energy Centers), Galaxy, Solar System, Planet, Continent, Country, State/Province, City, Community and Family.

When: Age, Century, Lineage, Date, Time of Birth.

How: Coitus and Birth Delivery (Vaginal, C-Section, Natural Conception, Scientifically Induced Conception, Fostered, Adopted, Warded, Type of Coitus Conceived in), Sex, Pigment, Body Type, Language.

Who: Occasionally Name Choice. (Most of the "Who" is optional during incarnation).

What: Upbringing/Socialization, Incarnational Purpose or Calling/Vocation, Innate Talents, Learning Capability, Recreational Pursuits, Lessons Learned, Lessons to Learn and more.

Why: What you may Contribute, What you may Receive (what I have come to call the "Incarnation Contract")

The reason that "Why" encompasses what you MAY receive or what you MAY contribute is because Free Will is always present and by agreeing to be birthed we also generally agree to the Forgetting. The Forgetting is a safety built into our Incarnation Contract because if we knew all that we planned to do, learn and experience then we would only do things out of obligation rather than out of Free Will. Our choices are always present. Before we incarnate we may choose the who, what, why, when, where and how we incarnate.

During incarnation we may choose whether we decide to stick to the original who, what, why, when, where and how of our chosen incarnation. Revisions can be made to the Incarnation Contract all throughout our incarnation, and they are whether we choose to alter or not because we are co-existing with a bunch of other beings doing the same thing (not all have chosen their incarnation consciously though, many have had their incarnation chosen by their Higher Dimensional Self...more on this in a later post). Every hominid being has an equal right to revise or stray from their originally intended incarnational path.

Further revisions to what was actually feasible for the incarnation we experienced are done after "Death" of the said incarnation's 3D vehicle. In this Death Cycle we may discuss with our Higher Self what was and was not accomplished, what was a practical expectation given the resources we allowed ourselves within the most recent incarnation and, where the non-negotiable's of the Incarnation Contract were not fulfilled, what will be more effective planning for the next incarnation.

Should we fulfill our contract and we no longer have incarnational obligations to the Planet Earth, we may go on our merry little dimensional way into further echelons/spheres of Infinite Existence.

BEFORE TIME ROCKS! As understood through my 6th Energy Center's "Direct Line," I know this to be true. I can't wait to get my work done and get back there, though I am enjoying and appreciative of this experience!

My current incarnational life isn't too shabby (severe understatement) as everyday I am learning how to step closer and closer to my Highest self and my Highest Purpose.

How are you weathering the Forgetting, the Contract, Free Will and your current incarnations path? I hope as well as can be.

If I don't see you in this sphere of 3D Existence, I'll see you in Infinity!


  1. You write very well, and your ideas are very imaginative. But I like my beliefs to be based on evidence. What evidence do you have to support your ideas?

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    Welcome and thank you for your input and compliments.

    What exactly do you consider evidence? Are you implying it has something to do with touch or sight as a necessity? If so, then are blind people imaginary or unreal or unbelievable?

    I must know more about what you consider evidence in order to provide you with what you ask for in a way that actually addresses your concern and maintains my integrity as a blogger speaking my truth.

    Hope you come back so we can discuss!

    Thank You,
