Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reclaiming Choice: The Renewed Frontier?

Day of 11 Red Spectral Moon
Tone 11 (Spectral): creative power to Dissolve Liberation, action of Release
Red Moon Seal (MULAC): Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water

An article I wrote for on December 11, 2011...
(Which I will repost under that date)

2011 saw a lot of upheavals, upsets, surprises and activity. Compared to the seeming complacency of people across all societies in 2010, 2011 involved the reclaiming of the civilian's voice.

Considering modernity and convenience in the world today, it follows that many people do not put thought into how our species arrived here. We are not aliens - depending on who you ask - and we didn't arrive on Earth in a spaceship with everything neatly set up and abandoned. We arrived where we are today because our ancestors struggled, grunted, fought and strived to ensure that some day, some of us would be able to live sustainably.

I'm not sure how sustainable today's world is, but it's certainly more convenient than the one that required making up language, designing everything and truly surviving the wild. Back when the first people of our species woke up to their own consciousness, they had indeed reached a new frontier.

Zoom all the way forward to the present: December 2011. Are we still frontier people? Or have we forgotten our roots and what got us here? In my short lifetime, any year but this one I would have had my doubts. I would have spoken about unrest, but not about action. I would have pointed out dissatisfaction, but not known where to truly locate collective response. 2011 has changed that.

Decisions made in 2011 haven't been pretty, or perfect or even particularly "widespread" (considering the number of people in each country); but what 2011 decisions have been are an example of what happens when people begin reclaiming their choices. Ownership of action is necessary to a frontier person. To explore "the furthermost limits of knowledge or achievement in a particular subject," one must have confidence to act. Having confidence to act requires having faith in one's ability to make one's own choices.

Actively making choices is at the very nature of frontier spirit. To go where no person has gone before requires the desire to KNOW, the ability to ACT and the strength to deal with the futures of those KNOWING ACTS! It is what our species has loved about every great innovator in our history: a seeming lack of fear (or an obvious amount of courage) to try the unknown and to base one's faith in their own existence upon the knowing that only they can see.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thought Pursuit "10.26.11"

Day of 8 Blue Galactic Hand
Tone 8 (Galactic): creative power to Harmonize Integrity, action of Modeling
Blue Hand Seal (MANIK): Knows and emphasizes Accomplishment (heals)

Thought Pursuit on the Eye of the Storm...

In the Eye of the Storm there is clarity and calm. The Eye of the Storm is a balanced centered-ness that maintains its position, even within the chaos(1) of the external. It is a dense place and palpable. Because the conditions of the Eye of the Storm are so focused upon that manifestation's sensitive(2) awareness of all that goes on around it, it takes on density. That density is compounded because it is focused and directed towards an inner stillness which is wholly present to everything it is engaging with. Being that the Eye of the Storm holds space within the chaos of the external, it requires a palpable substance and density to maintain its integrity as a place of calm. Balancing energetic chaos, which is all around, requires open connectivity within centered focus. Open connectivity (presence to and awareness of ones surroundings) within centered focus (presence in and awareness of ones acts, both in and of themselves and in response to ones surroundings) provides clarity. This clarity is extremely powerful and can only be maintained consistently and sustainably when cultivated within calm. The calm is what allows the sensitive awareness of clarity to be present to everything in its surroundings as well as utilized in response to anything of its surroundings. This highly intentional combination of circumstances creates energetic density. This energetic density, maintained within the Eye of the Storm, is powerful because its sensitive awareness is so responsive(3). The quicker this energetic density can assess its engaged sensitive awareness to external chaos, the easier it will be for it determine the circumstances and produce for itself an intended outcome.


(1) chaos: a) Physics behavior so unpredictable as to appear random, owing to great sensitivity to small changes in conditions b) the formless matter supposed to have existed before the creation of the universe. 
(2) sensitive: a) quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences b) of photographic materials prepared so as to respond rapidly to the action of light.
(3) responsive: a) reacting quickly and positively b) responding readily and with interest or enthusiasm c) answering

Friday, September 16, 2011

Prisonview, Imprisoning You

Day of 6 White Rhythmic World-Bridger
Tone 6 (Rhythmic): Creative power to Organize Equality, action of Balance
White World-Bridger Seal (CIMI): Equalizes and emphasizes Death (Span Dimensions)

In the midst of a very engaging conversation with one of my oldest male friends, I came to a realization about our general perspective as a species.

The realization is this: Most people are socialized to limit and imprison themselves within themselves.

So it is that we are instructed, by one another, to live as prisoners (regardless of actual prison bars). Each of us is confined to our own cell (our body/worldview/consciousness), only viewing life through our self-constructed prison. Each of us looks through the prison bars of our self-constructed cell taking our vantage point for all of existence. 

Collectively speaking, we each do this actively first to ourselves and then to all things.

This conversation came about as a result of both of us discussing what we believe our life "contract" to be in simple terms. (I talked about this a few posts back in "Before Time"). Ultimately, I know my contract to involve "releasing the prisoner" as a central focus. I want to work with imprisoned populations (amongst other things). Specifically, I want to see prison populations engaged with one-on-one while they are in prison. I would like to know how each prisoner constructs their worldview and determine, along with them, what must be done in order to reconstruct that worldview. 

That being said, I am very much aware that imprisonment doesn't require a state sanctioned prison cell or even prison bars in order to be the reality of someone's situation. Even those of us who do not "break the law" tend to criminalize ourselves.

We each are our own walking courtroom; with a built in judge, jury and criminal. We each play all roles for ourself and we each decide the outcome of our existence based upon this evolving courtroom. (The 4 Agreements speaks about this in a way that I find is helpful). 

In my last post I wrote about form and function. Form and function are incredibly relevant to each of our prison experiences because it is our attachment to form that allows for our imprisonment. When our existence doesn't look the way we attempt to force it to look, we punish ourselves for it. We determine that our inability to fit the form we have prematurely chosen for ourself is equivalent to our inability to be worthy of being as we actually exist.

So, rather than exist in the ways that we dream to exist in--in a functional way that involves doing the work and participating in the things we each are genuinely interested in--we berate ourselves constantly for not existing in the form which we incorrectly assess as the only way we can live our desired existence. 

Therein lies the prisoner complex. From behind the prison bars of our prematurely chosen forms, we view the world as a hostile environment. We see others, in their own self-constructed prison cells determined by their own un-enlivened desires, and we judge them based on the forms that have assisted us in constructing our own cells.

Interestingly enough, we do not often see the prisons formed around these individuals because their prisons are not built from the same forms as our own--their minds. It is from this vantage point (or lack thereof) that we perceive all of existence and the entirety of its meaning.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Function Over Form

Day of 2 Yellow Lunar Warrior
Tone 2 (Lunar): Creative power to Polarize Challenge, action of Stabilizing
Yellow Warrior Seal (CIB): Questions and emphasizes Intelligence

Hello hello, it has been some time since I've written here. I've been busy experimenting with the subject of the title of this post. That is, function over form. I have had many conversations about this idea lately, interestingly enough particularly with men, and it is time for me to say something about it. 

We are riddled by forms. They are delivered to our doorstep, televisions, schools, existences. Society loves form, capitalism loves it more. Form is packaged for you and sold to you and impressed upon you. To be attractive you must look "this way," to be successful you must have "this thing," to seem intelligent you must acquire "this degree." 

Yet, it is never the form that is responsible for the happiness. 

It is always the function that the form provides expression for that brings the reward. 

What is function, then? Well, definitively speaking it is "the action for which a person or thing is specially fitted or used or for which a thing exists." A synonym for this particular definition is PURPOSE. You'll remember I talked about that last post, a few months ago. It is fitting then, that I take that one step further. 

Function provides form. Form often requires refining in order to provide for better function. The square wheel, for example, was not really useful. The form restricted the intended function of the creation. 

So it is with us. 

Often times, we attach ourselves to ideas of forms - often not even "our own" ideas (everything belongs to Existence first) - and we allow those misshaped forms to define our existences. This causes a lot of misery, being that ALL FUNCTIONALITY is being suppressed into a limited (and let's be honest, not very creative) number of "acceptable" forms. 

An example of how we commonly limit ourselves into restricted forms can be found in that we often attempt to force a desired result into the way "it should look," rather than focusing on HOW IT SHOULD BE. So, a concrete example:

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

In a Purposeful Omniverse

Day of 4 Red Self-Existing Skywalker
Tone 4 (Self-Existing): Creative power to Define Form, action of Measuring
Red Skywalker Seal (BEN): Explores and emphasizes Space

There are many theories on this planet as to how the Earth and the Omniverse came about. Naturally, there are also theories about why this all came about. I'm not here to converse about which of the infinite theories is "right;" I am here to make an observation of how one theory is impossible.

It is not conceivable, by any standard of genuine observation, that an Omniverse like the one we are in came from "nothing" or means "nothing." It is a conclusion formed from very little observation or from very little opportunity (and opportunity is relative). Whether Existence itself is a tangible creation and a conscious one, or just a conscious one - it is still meaningful. Existence is meaning full. Full of meaning. Meaning as a synonym for purpose. The very fact that we, as sentient beings, consider ourselves CONSCIOUS speaks to the necessity of a Conscious Creator. A Creator greater than any species we know or any living thing, because it has essentially led to the creation of ALL LIVING THINGS (this requires a root understanding)!

Even if all of Existence was "an accident," it was caused by a pretty fucking INCREDIBLE accident maker. An INCREDIBLY BIG accident maker.

This planet is AMAZING! I mean, really and truly if you just take a moment to look at it as a whole, as EVERYTHING on it and OF it. How can you deny that Planet Earth is SUPERB? There is not one thing our species makes use of on this Earth (aside from consciousness itself, which always has first dibs) that did not come from this Earth or adapt to this Earth. 

That pretty much makes Earth the
oldest authority we have on most things "us."

An Elder, in my knowing, is an older being with wisdom that you both respect and may seek out for understanding (and who learns to impart wisdom by the actions of their very existence). Planet Earth is our Elder. The Sun and several of the other planets are Earth's Elders. The Galaxy is our Solar System's Elder. And the Infinite Omniverse is EVERYTHING's Elder.

Collectively the Infinite Omniverse makes up Existence. Existence is to be respected and sought out for understanding. 

What I understand from observing this Infinite Omniverse is that everything has its place and its purpose. It doesn't matter how small it is (atoms, love) or how different it is or how you perceive it. It's doing something here and it's here to do something. Nothing can go to waste in an Infinite Existence because everything is needed within Infinity. Infinity negates nothing. It even includes 0. Infinity is "IT," it is the IT factor and IT is 




Thursday, May 12, 2011

Before Time

Day of 9 Blue Solar Storm
Tone 9 (Solar): Creative power to Pulse Intention, action of Realizing
Blue Storm Seal (CAUAC): Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation

I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you a bit about what I think takes place before Earthly Incarnation.... Yes, I do believe something takes place for babies before incarnation aside from coitus.

I have titled this post Before Time because I believe time only exists (is perceived or experienced) in the lower dimensions, which we hominids might associate with Energy Centers or Chakras. The lower dimensions being: 1 (awareness, basic instinct, origins including ancestry, sexual orientation, core principles, behavioral functions, etc.), 2 (growth, emotional temperament, origins of self, sexual preferences, unique identity formation, culturing by immediate placement - i.e. Planet, Landscape, "Continent," "Country," "Society," "Family" - etc.), and 3 (self-awareness, relation to social groups, sense of placement in Existence, origins of purpose within society, conceptions of connectivity to other-selfs, etc.).

When we arrive at the 4th Dimension/Energy Center/Chakra, we step upon the threshold of the "Gateway." I call it the Gateway because it is the threshold before one is initiated into the experiential work of the upper Dimensions/Energy Centers/Chakras. As well, when one crosses the Gateway, their experience of Free Will is taken to a new stratosphere; which will bring us back to the title of this post, Before Time, after I finish up this thought on the upper dimensions.

The reason that I believe the 4th Energy Center to be the "Gateway" is because the 4th Energy Center encompasses Universal or Unconditional Love, self Love and Understanding of the connectivity of Existence.

This is a HUGE deal.

It is difficult, particularly in a species socialized such as ours, to cross this Gateway. We as a species do not, as precedent, socialize one another to be understanding, loving of self or loving of other-selfs. We also, as a species, do not facilitate an understanding of the purpose of Existence that is connected to everything outside of us. We do not, as a contemporary species, respect the land we live on, or the plants and trees that thrive on and clean this planet. We do not, as precedent, respect the rocks and minerals that permit us to build and to heal ourselves; we do not respect the oceans, rivers and lakes that provide us with sustenance or the animals that are cohabitants of this planet. We do not, as a contemporary species, respect the air that we breath or the bodies that we inhabit for this brief Earth Cycle.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bad Education

Day of 7 Yellow Resonant Seed
Tone 7 (Resonant): Creative power to Channel Attunement, action of Inspiring
Yellow Seed Seal (KAN): Targets and emphasizes Flowering (Ideas)

With all the ridiculous, comical, insane and unfortunate things taking place around the Earth today, I have to wonder whether it's idiocy, fear, blindness or "evil." 

These are just a few examples of the absolutely ridiculous, comical, insane and unfortunate things that are CURRENTLY taking place, as we sit, speak, write and learn.

So I have to ask myself, what is the reason for this bad education? Banning people from using PLANTS to cure if plants are not the most natural thing for us to use; Prescribing and taking pharmaceutical meds even though there is little evidence of actual healing, help or curing but MUCH evidence of deterioration of health, sanity and energy; Cutting down trees like they are only worth the buildings they build; Polluting water like it naturally grows in plastic bottles; Rape, Destruction and War....

I know that some would suggest it's money or greed that fuels such crazy behavior. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

If You Can Read This, The Choice Has Been Made

Day of 12 Red Crystal Earth
Tone 12 (Crystal): Creative power to Dedicate Cooperation, action of Universalizing
Red Earth Seal (CABAN): Evolves and emphasizes Navigation

If you are a member of the dominant species on the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy, then it is important to acknowledge that as far as Consciousness is concerned, you've already made your choice. 

All this talk of Darwin, Capitalism, "Survival of the Fittest," being animals, etc. IS ACTUALLY NO LONGER RELEVANT. As conscious beings, living out an existence where our Consciousness has become an understanding and a choice of expansion or stagnation, it makes no logical sense to live our lives out like animals. Animals are animals because they haven't yet made the choice to expand their consciousness. They have not yet acquired the knowledge to shed off their animal skins and progress into a higher dimensional existence (2D to 3D). This is a reflection of their progress. It is what it is and it's not for our species to judge. Animals live by the rules of survival of the fittest because that is the way available to animals in order for them to exist and progress. It's rough, but it is a dimensional stage in the constant expansion of infinite consciousness. And even in their animal forms they are teachers to all that are willing to recognize their power and place in this great Omniverse. Further, some animals have removed themselves from the survival of the fittest framework (some have also been moved unwillingly). The ones that have likely made a conscious choice to progress are the very animals we love to have in our homes and nurture and feed.

Animal consciousness being acknowledged, there is also hominid consciousness; and that consciousness is ours. We too, as homo sapiens sapiens, have a way available to us that allows us to exist and progress. That way is not the survival of the fittest framework. It is a different way and, largely, it is a way we have done very little to know in the way of exploration. Historically, our ignorance has largely been informed by this ridiculous idea that homo sapiens sapiens are the apex of Omniversal Creation. This perpetuated ignorance has led to arrogance that has given our species the impression that, "this is it!" And that all that we do as a species is the very best existence has to offer. Such a notion is ludicrous.

If it were true, that what we have created here on the planet Earth as a species is the very best that Omniversal Creation has to offer...I would be...DEPRESSED. Fortunately, I know better! And what I know, without a doubt really (and I'm not saying that casually as if it's easy to arrive at this understanding), is that arriving within 3D existence is the advent of choosing your understanding of Consciousness. Even that I must say with some disclaimer; because if you can read this, the choice has already begun being made. Whatever you may hold to have come before your birth from your mother, arriving into your consciousness as a hominid was an act that you made in order to further progress through Conscious Infinity. So to reject the expansion of Consciousness available to us in hominid form, particularly at this stage when we are ALREADY HOMINIDS, is illogical.

In an infinite Omniverse, THE ONLY WAY BACK IS FORWARD. That's why the shape is cyclical. Maybe there are some Omniverse's that work backwards, but...not this one. Sorry. You're here, DEAL WITH IT.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Conscious Infinity, Intelligent Energy/Intelligent Infinity, Conscious Energy

Day of 8 Yellow Galactic Sun
Tone 8 (Galactic): Creative power to Harmonize Integrity, action of Modeling
Yellow Sun Seal (AHAU): Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire

I cannot say exactly what the line up was of Creation, but I suspect it was a combination of Conscious Infinity begetting Intelligent Energy or Intelligent Infinity begetting Conscious Energy. Really they are not divided, so I think they are more interchangeable than comparative.

Whatever is said to determine The Cosmos, they only exist because of Infinity. Infinity is an eternal presence. How could it not give birth to Consciousness? Infinity is forever in and of itself. Infinity is forever with itself and together as one Self. Conscious Infinity is one constant Being Of. Infinity is constantly Being. 

Is it any wonder, then, that you cannot "kill" Consciousness? If anything, you can only depart "with" it. And I say "with it" and not "from it" because you cannot be away from Consciousness - we are limitless consciousness' (granted we aren't the finest example, but we're also not very observant or imaginative as a socialized species). "With" is defined as indicating separation or removal in this context. That is, the removal of our consciousness' from Self's Consciousness; and the removal of ourselves from that limitless consciousness. The significance of departing "with" over "from" is also because the choice is made on both sides. Conscious Infinity (Self's Consciousness) allows all of itself freedom to express its experience in whatever way it decides and is capable of in any given moment. We, being the offspring of Self's Consciousness in the constant progression of Conscious Infinity, are extended this choice. We are equally free to make uninformed choices as we are to make informed choices. (On Earth we just socialize one another to continually make uninformed choices).

As well, in 3D formulated consciousness, we learn the expression of unique choices made of our own will. So this is really the time for us to "decide" upon things for our-Self ("You") and consequently for our other-Selfs ("Everything Else"). 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Omniversal Picture

Day of 8 White Galactic Wizard
Tone 8 (Galactic): Creative power to Harmonize Integrity, action of Modeling
White Wizard Seal (IX): Enchants and emphasizes Timelessness

When one is encouraged to look at the "bigger picture," it often depends on where there head is at to determine how big that picture actually is.

But I wonder, how often are people asked to look at The Biggest Picture? And even if they were, is it possible to agree on what the "biggest picture" actually is?

The Omniversal Picture is pretty big - even if you believe in multiple Omniverse's.

Because the Omniversal Picture is a VERY BIG picture, it encompasses a lot.

There is the history of planets in it, the history of those planet's evolutionary species, the history of those planet's species' sciences and cultural developments, the history of that planet's Solar System's development, the history of that Solar System's Galaxy, the histories of the galaxies that came before that Solar System's Galaxy. And all these infinite creations are steadily, but consistently, leading you back and back, further into the Omniversal Picture. All the way back to the big question that inspired the big picture.

Naturally, it's a manifold big question.

The Big Manifold Question

1. Where Am I?
2. What Am I Doing Here?/How Did I Get Here?
3. What Am...I? (Often confused with "Who Am I?")
4. What's My Purpose AKA Why Am I Here?
5. What's This All About?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Research, Stew/Marinate, Apply, Observe

Day of 5 White Overtone Mirror
Tone 5 (Overtone): Creative power to Empower Radiance, action of Command
White Mirror Seal (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness

When it comes to pursuing the conscious manifestation of our intent, there is no designated rulebook. The conscious manifestation of your intent is bound to be very personal and ultimately as unique as your own conscious energy. That being acknowledged, it may assist individuals to have a very loose rubric (defined as a statement of purpose or function). Toward that purpose or function, I offer mine.

In the act of watching myself, which I do constantly and - nowadays - almost unconsciously in normal circumstances; I have picked up on a pattern that works for me. "Works for me" means that when I apply this pattern, things generally go as I wanted them to (if not as I planned). In fact, I find it's better not to "plan" the way I want things to go. Rather, I've found it more effective to focus on the outcome I desire rather than what it will "look like." For example, if I'm in a confrontation with someone I set my intent that we resolve the conflict with a greater understanding between us and as unique entities. I do not try and design what that understanding will be, because if I did that I would ultimately suffocate the plethora of outcomes that might transpire (many of which are likely to be greater than what I can even imagine).

The pattern that I've observed that I use effectively is as follows:
  1. I research what I'm seeking to understand
  2. Depending on how much of my energy and focus is required for my research, I either stew on the research I have acquired; Or, for the longer term concepts I'm trying to grasp, I marinate on the research I have acquired. (When in doubt, marinate).
  3. After what seems to me to be an appropriate "stew" or "marination" period, I apply what I've researched and stewed/marinated upon into my actual existence (this is a key feature of consciously manifesting your intent. That is, to act purposefully and with awareness).
  4. This is probably the most difficult of my "4 step" process, as observation can be very subjective when it involves other people. That being said, after I apply my stewed or marinated upon research to my actual existence, I take time to observe the outcome to see if the concept I've researched and manifested into my life is actually conducive to my personal progress.
Clearly, the same processes do not (and cannot) work at the same level of effectiveness for everybody. Additionally, steps 3 & 4 are rapidly interchangeable. For example, in an argument/debate/confrontation with someone, you may apply your stewed upon research and immediately have to observe the outcome - interact again - and then continuously apply the research until you've observed that it is either a) effective for you, b) ineffective for you, or c) either but not properly researched (c is the feeling like you're banging your head against a wall in your attempt to communicate and be understood...but you don't know why).

Monday, January 3, 2011

Thought Pursuit "01.03.11"

Day of 10 White Planetary Dog
Tone 10 (Planetary): Creative power to Perfect Manifestation, action of Producing
White Dog Seal (OC): Loves and emphasizes Heart (Truth)

Thought Pursuit on Death. Don't Panic, It's Organic...

I've been meaning to get around to one further clarification on why there's no need to panic since death is organic! And that is to further emphasize the truth of point #1, which is:
There is NO SUCH THING as "Death" as we (popularly) categorize it!
Let's break this very important fact down by example, shall we? (This will require a bit of repeating).
  1. Energy cannot be created or destroyed by our species
  2. Energy is what animates our existence, our bodies and our lives
  3. When a person transitions ("dies"), it is because their life force has gone out of them. The brain, the vital organs and the body stop functioning as a result of the consciousness no longer being encapsulated within the body
  4. You will recall, for example, that people in coma's generally require the assistance of technology in order to maintain their bodily functions. (This is because their consciousness is no longer present to oversee the body's more laborious functions)
So then, where does the energy go? To answer this let's consider other living organized systems in the OmniUniverse (this is the surest way to determine what the actual "nature" of living things is).

"Dying" Galaxies

In a Galaxy in which a Sun is transitioning ("dying"), whether by implosion or explosion, it is well known and "documented" that such an event generally does away with all other global bodies in that Sun's Solar System. (Suns, also known as "Stars," are some of the most attractive mass/matter/light in the entire OmniUniverse after all. That is why entire Solar Systems and Galaxies form around them). After all that mass converts back to matter because of the intense reaction, it drifts (aimlessly or purposefully?) through the OmniUniverse until it comes into contact with other drifting matter to which is has a chemical reaction and begins to form a NEW SOLAR SYSTEM and (eventually) a GALAXY; or it drifts into a formed galaxy and that excess matter is soaked in by the Sun and planets therein.

So Solar Systems and Galaxies do not die, they simply transition into other or new Galaxies and Solar Systems.

"Dying" Plant life