Day of 1 White Magnetic Wind
Tone 1 (Magnetic): creative power to Unify Purpose, action of Attraction
White Wind (IK): Communicates and emphasizes Spirit
People are the worst. I say this with humor, only because otherwise it would be all too depressing. Not only are people the worst but, as a species, we're actually not that interested in existing.
Humans are terrible at being themselves. In fact, I would argue that most aim to avoid being completely genuine in the truest sense of the word "genuine." Actually, scratch the word genuine. I just looked it up and it comes from weird and convoluted origins. What I am trying to say is that people, in general, and as a whole, are not authentic. We are not encouraged to be authentic in our modern world(s).
We are encouraged to perform our identities, to conform our identities, to identify through commodities and to cross off an arbitrary checklist of "how" to "properly" age through the human process. Humans, of all the things we could and might have done and been, have ultimately decided the "best" way to exist is to make being human into a business only of concern to humans.
This is completely bizarre to me.
We have created cities and systems of living that all but eliminate other living things - other aspects of nature - unless those things conform to OUR desires of how those things should be. Trees/Plants? Fuck them. Animals? They can go hang themselves. Water? BULLSHIT. Air quality? That sounds like a personal problem!
Outside of our human constructions, our human ideas, our human responses, there is a living organism called THE EARTH. It is what our species has come to call a planet, orbiting around a ball of fire we have come to call a star, in the middle of an infinite and unfathomable expanse we have come to call the universe. We would not exist as we know us if not for these entities that came before us.
This is the realest reality there actually is. This is one of the ultimate realities that exists not only for humans, but for all living things on our Earth/Organism/Planet. It's extremely significant. Further, it is as significant as all the things that humans have decided (over time) are important to us.
Despite our species' desire to believe the contrary, humans are not that important.
I listed 4(ish) other existing things on this planet: Trees/Plants, Animals, Water and Air/Oxygen. If any of these 4(ish) things became extinct, EVERYTHING ELSE WOULD DIE. If humans became extinct (if we all just rolled over and died one day), everything else would live. We are the last factor in the Earth Equation and we are also the least important to the Earth Equation from an existence perspective.
I do not believe it is within a human being's nature to be such a pain in the ass to everything else. Unequivocally or "naturally." It is my opinion that our assholeishness is a choice. Which, considering how fortunate we are to even EXIST as a random unimportant (meat-based) species, really just shows how selfish we are.