Sunday, December 11, 2011

Reclaiming Choice: The Renewed Frontier?

Day of 11 Red Spectral Moon
Tone 11 (Spectral): creative power to Dissolve Liberation, action of Release
Red Moon Seal (MULAC): Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water

An article I wrote for on December 11, 2011...
(Which I will repost under that date)

2011 saw a lot of upheavals, upsets, surprises and activity. Compared to the seeming complacency of people across all societies in 2010, 2011 involved the reclaiming of the civilian's voice.

Considering modernity and convenience in the world today, it follows that many people do not put thought into how our species arrived here. We are not aliens - depending on who you ask - and we didn't arrive on Earth in a spaceship with everything neatly set up and abandoned. We arrived where we are today because our ancestors struggled, grunted, fought and strived to ensure that some day, some of us would be able to live sustainably.

I'm not sure how sustainable today's world is, but it's certainly more convenient than the one that required making up language, designing everything and truly surviving the wild. Back when the first people of our species woke up to their own consciousness, they had indeed reached a new frontier.

Zoom all the way forward to the present: December 2011. Are we still frontier people? Or have we forgotten our roots and what got us here? In my short lifetime, any year but this one I would have had my doubts. I would have spoken about unrest, but not about action. I would have pointed out dissatisfaction, but not known where to truly locate collective response. 2011 has changed that.

Decisions made in 2011 haven't been pretty, or perfect or even particularly "widespread" (considering the number of people in each country); but what 2011 decisions have been are an example of what happens when people begin reclaiming their choices. Ownership of action is necessary to a frontier person. To explore "the furthermost limits of knowledge or achievement in a particular subject," one must have confidence to act. Having confidence to act requires having faith in one's ability to make one's own choices.

Actively making choices is at the very nature of frontier spirit. To go where no person has gone before requires the desire to KNOW, the ability to ACT and the strength to deal with the futures of those KNOWING ACTS! It is what our species has loved about every great innovator in our history: a seeming lack of fear (or an obvious amount of courage) to try the unknown and to base one's faith in their own existence upon the knowing that only they can see.