Day of 4 Red Self-Existing Skywalker
Tone 4 (Self-Existing): Creative power to Define Form, action of Measuring
Red Skywalker Seal (BEN): Explores and emphasizes Space
There are many theories on this planet as to how the Earth and the Omniverse came about. Naturally, there are also theories about why this all came about. I'm not here to converse about which of the infinite theories is "right;" I am here to make an observation of how one theory is impossible.
It is not conceivable, by any standard of genuine observation, that an Omniverse like the one we are in came from "nothing" or means "nothing." It is a conclusion formed from very little observation or from very little opportunity (and opportunity is relative). Whether Existence itself is a tangible creation and a conscious one, or just a conscious one - it is still meaningful. Existence is meaning full. Full of meaning. Meaning as a synonym for purpose. The very fact that we, as sentient beings, consider ourselves CONSCIOUS speaks to the necessity of a Conscious Creator. A Creator greater than any species we know or any living thing, because it has essentially led to the creation of ALL LIVING THINGS (this requires a root understanding)!
Even if all of Existence was "an accident," it was caused by a pretty fucking INCREDIBLE accident maker. An INCREDIBLY BIG accident maker.
Even if all of Existence was "an accident," it was caused by a pretty fucking INCREDIBLE accident maker. An INCREDIBLY BIG accident maker.
This planet is AMAZING! I mean, really and truly if you just take a moment to look at it as a whole, as EVERYTHING on it and OF it. How can you deny that Planet Earth is SUPERB? There is not one thing our species makes use of on this Earth (aside from consciousness itself, which always has first dibs) that did not come from this Earth or adapt to this Earth.
That pretty much makes Earth the
oldest authority we have on most things "us."
oldest authority we have on most things "us."
An Elder, in my knowing, is an older being with wisdom that you both respect and may seek out for understanding (and who learns to impart wisdom by the actions of their very existence). Planet Earth is our Elder. The Sun and several of the other planets are Earth's Elders. The Galaxy is our Solar System's Elder. And the Infinite Omniverse is EVERYTHING's Elder.
Collectively the Infinite Omniverse makes up Existence. Existence is to be respected and sought out for understanding.
What I understand from observing this Infinite Omniverse is that everything has its place and its purpose. It doesn't matter how small it is (atoms, love) or how different it is or how you perceive it. It's doing something here and it's here to do something. Nothing can go to waste in an Infinite Existence because everything is needed within Infinity. Infinity negates nothing. It even includes 0. Infinity is "IT," it is the IT factor and IT is