Day of 12 Red Crystal Earth
Tone 12 (Crystal): Creative power to Dedicate Cooperation, action of Universalizing
Red Earth Seal (CABAN): Evolves and emphasizes Navigation
Red Earth Seal (CABAN): Evolves and emphasizes Navigation
If you are a member of the dominant species on the planet Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy, then it is important to acknowledge that as far as Consciousness is concerned, you've already made your choice.
All this talk of Darwin, Capitalism, "Survival of the Fittest," being animals, etc. IS ACTUALLY NO LONGER RELEVANT. As conscious beings, living out an existence where our Consciousness has become an understanding and a choice of expansion or stagnation, it makes no logical sense to live our lives out like animals. Animals are animals because they haven't yet made the choice to expand their consciousness. They have not yet acquired the knowledge to shed off their animal skins and progress into a higher dimensional existence (2D to 3D). This is a reflection of their progress. It is what it is and it's not for our species to judge. Animals live by the rules of survival of the fittest because that is the way available to animals in order for them to exist and progress. It's rough, but it is a dimensional stage in the constant expansion of infinite consciousness. And even in their animal forms they are teachers to all that are willing to recognize their power and place in this great Omniverse. Further, some animals have removed themselves from the survival of the fittest framework (some have also been moved unwillingly). The ones that have likely made a conscious choice to progress are the very animals we love to have in our homes and nurture and feed.
Animal consciousness being acknowledged, there is also hominid consciousness; and that consciousness is ours. We too, as homo sapiens sapiens, have a way available to us that allows us to exist and progress. That way is not the survival of the fittest framework. It is a different way and, largely, it is a way we have done very little to know in the way of exploration. Historically, our ignorance has largely been informed by this ridiculous idea that homo sapiens sapiens are the apex of Omniversal Creation. This perpetuated ignorance has led to arrogance that has given our species the impression that, "this is it!" And that all that we do as a species is the very best existence has to offer. Such a notion is ludicrous.
If it were true, that what we have created here on the planet Earth as a species is the very best that Omniversal Creation has to offer...I would be...DEPRESSED. Fortunately, I know better! And what I know, without a doubt really (and I'm not saying that casually as if it's easy to arrive at this understanding), is that arriving within 3D existence is the advent of choosing your understanding of Consciousness. Even that I must say with some disclaimer; because if you can read this, the choice has already begun being made. Whatever you may hold to have come before your birth from your mother, arriving into your consciousness as a hominid was an act that you made in order to further progress through Conscious Infinity. So to reject the expansion of Consciousness available to us in hominid form, particularly at this stage when we are ALREADY HOMINIDS, is illogical.
In an infinite Omniverse, THE ONLY WAY BACK IS FORWARD. That's why the shape is cyclical. Maybe there are some Omniverse's that work backwards, but...not this one. Sorry. You're here, DEAL WITH IT.
Animal consciousness being acknowledged, there is also hominid consciousness; and that consciousness is ours. We too, as homo sapiens sapiens, have a way available to us that allows us to exist and progress. That way is not the survival of the fittest framework. It is a different way and, largely, it is a way we have done very little to know in the way of exploration. Historically, our ignorance has largely been informed by this ridiculous idea that homo sapiens sapiens are the apex of Omniversal Creation. This perpetuated ignorance has led to arrogance that has given our species the impression that, "this is it!" And that all that we do as a species is the very best existence has to offer. Such a notion is ludicrous.
If it were true, that what we have created here on the planet Earth as a species is the very best that Omniversal Creation has to offer...I would be...DEPRESSED. Fortunately, I know better! And what I know, without a doubt really (and I'm not saying that casually as if it's easy to arrive at this understanding), is that arriving within 3D existence is the advent of choosing your understanding of Consciousness. Even that I must say with some disclaimer; because if you can read this, the choice has already begun being made. Whatever you may hold to have come before your birth from your mother, arriving into your consciousness as a hominid was an act that you made in order to further progress through Conscious Infinity. So to reject the expansion of Consciousness available to us in hominid form, particularly at this stage when we are ALREADY HOMINIDS, is illogical.
In an infinite Omniverse, THE ONLY WAY BACK IS FORWARD. That's why the shape is cyclical. Maybe there are some Omniverse's that work backwards, but...not this one. Sorry. You're here, DEAL WITH IT.