Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't Panic, Death is Organic

Day of 11 White Spectral Mirror
Tone 11 (Spectral): Creative power to Dissolve Liberation, action of Release
White Mirror (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness

Sometimes I sit around and think of what I might be doing, for my happiness and for the world, in the next 10 years. I consider making a 5-year-plan or a 10-year-plan. Then I turn on the News (from any area of the world) and I think to myself, "10 more decent years and I'll call us all lucky."

But seriously though, the Earth is not looking good right now. And I'll start this open thought process by clarifying that of course there are plenty of good things going on in both hemispheres; that being acknowledged, the majority of the things that are going on that are "powerful" enough to have immediate effects on the majority of peoples are not in that category.

It's making more sense to me now too, the reason that craziness takes hold of individuals so strongly and then spreads like wildfire among those not strong enough in their own knowing to resist the tide. And I'm realizing a lot of this bullshit going on around and on this planet has to do with PEOPLES OBSESSION/FEAR WITH DEATH!

I'm here to tell you with all the assurance that I have in me (which is quite a bit really):


A wise author once wrote that putting the words "Don't Panic" next to or onto anything that is ultimately infinite and complicated helps to alleviate the worst of the initial reactions of basic instinct. You know, "Run!" "Kill!" "Hide!" "Die!" and so on and so forth. So I'm going with that policy.

I won't beat around the bush here. I'm going to lay out for you, bluntly, exactly why you needn't fear death in ANY capacity (though you should fear killing, it's icky and unnecessary and really who wants the extra karma that comes along with it?).

Do Not Fear Death Rationale:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Day of 9 Blue Solar Night
Tone 9 (Solar): Creative power to Pulse Intention, action of Realizing
Blue Night Seal (AKBAL): Dreams and emphasizes Abundance

There is this insidious quality of contemporary (and by contemporary I'm referring to, at least, the past 800 years) societies/World Society that effectually convinces many that choice is not a personal option. Instead, choice has been commandeered by institutional conceptions of "appropriate grouping."

Under this guise, choice is delineated first by Nation, then by Society, then by Community, then by Family, then by Educational Institution and eventually by Work Environment. At some point far at the end of these - at least in the USA - we also claim that individual choice is possible...when it comes buying things.

This is incredibly problematic for an array of reasons. I shall attempt to go through each "appropriate grouping" one at a time.

On Nations

It is very difficult for me to even translate the horror I feel about Nations into conceivable text. I am utterly disturbed by the flamboyant means by which our species decrees that other equal members of our species are not included in our conception of "humanity" and access to it.

Having been born on Earth as a member of the conceivably dominant species, it has always occurred to me that the Earth is my home. THE WHOLE OF IT. Undivided by trivialities like, "this side of the line is mine" and "do you have a book of arbitrary numbers and stamps that says you can be at this place on your own planet?"

This isn't even to speak of governments that compile endlessly self-indulgent and incessant divisions via paperwork that explain why Patch of Land A cannot conceivably trust, be open to, or employ individuals from Patch of Land B.

Nationalism is just Bureaucratic Fascism

Considering this, it is outrageous that government representatives tell you that you don't/can't know what's good for you when it comes to "National Security," when it is in fact "National Security" that effectually causes you to be unsafe.

If all "borders" on this planet were open for passage by anyone who desired to traverse them, why would anyone spend their time fuming over one area of the world and its culture when they could EASILY become a member or resident of said place WHENEVER they desired and effectually assist in redefining that areas culture????

If "Nations" didn't exist then individuals couldn't spend time attaching themselves to arbitrary social conditioning belonging to one province of the planet because all land would be a potential home to them and nobody would stop them from being and experiencing wherever they wanted to be and experience! They could just apply their nationalistic allegiance to THE PLANET.