Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't Panic, Death is Organic

Day of 11 White Spectral Mirror
Tone 11 (Spectral): Creative power to Dissolve Liberation, action of Release
White Mirror (ETZNAB): Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness

Sometimes I sit around and think of what I might be doing, for my happiness and for the world, in the next 10 years. I consider making a 5-year-plan or a 10-year-plan. Then I turn on the News (from any area of the world) and I think to myself, "10 more decent years and I'll call us all lucky."

But seriously though, the Earth is not looking good right now. And I'll start this open thought process by clarifying that of course there are plenty of good things going on in both hemispheres; that being acknowledged, the majority of the things that are going on that are "powerful" enough to have immediate effects on the majority of peoples are not in that category.

It's making more sense to me now too, the reason that craziness takes hold of individuals so strongly and then spreads like wildfire among those not strong enough in their own knowing to resist the tide. And I'm realizing a lot of this bullshit going on around and on this planet has to do with PEOPLES OBSESSION/FEAR WITH DEATH!

I'm here to tell you with all the assurance that I have in me (which is quite a bit really):


A wise author once wrote that putting the words "Don't Panic" next to or onto anything that is ultimately infinite and complicated helps to alleviate the worst of the initial reactions of basic instinct. You know, "Run!" "Kill!" "Hide!" "Die!" and so on and so forth. So I'm going with that policy.

I won't beat around the bush here. I'm going to lay out for you, bluntly, exactly why you needn't fear death in ANY capacity (though you should fear killing, it's icky and unnecessary and really who wants the extra karma that comes along with it?).

Do Not Fear Death Rationale:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Day of 9 Blue Solar Night
Tone 9 (Solar): Creative power to Pulse Intention, action of Realizing
Blue Night Seal (AKBAL): Dreams and emphasizes Abundance

There is this insidious quality of contemporary (and by contemporary I'm referring to, at least, the past 800 years) societies/World Society that effectually convinces many that choice is not a personal option. Instead, choice has been commandeered by institutional conceptions of "appropriate grouping."

Under this guise, choice is delineated first by Nation, then by Society, then by Community, then by Family, then by Educational Institution and eventually by Work Environment. At some point far at the end of these - at least in the USA - we also claim that individual choice is possible...when it comes buying things.

This is incredibly problematic for an array of reasons. I shall attempt to go through each "appropriate grouping" one at a time.

On Nations

It is very difficult for me to even translate the horror I feel about Nations into conceivable text. I am utterly disturbed by the flamboyant means by which our species decrees that other equal members of our species are not included in our conception of "humanity" and access to it.

Having been born on Earth as a member of the conceivably dominant species, it has always occurred to me that the Earth is my home. THE WHOLE OF IT. Undivided by trivialities like, "this side of the line is mine" and "do you have a book of arbitrary numbers and stamps that says you can be at this place on your own planet?"

This isn't even to speak of governments that compile endlessly self-indulgent and incessant divisions via paperwork that explain why Patch of Land A cannot conceivably trust, be open to, or employ individuals from Patch of Land B.

Nationalism is just Bureaucratic Fascism

Considering this, it is outrageous that government representatives tell you that you don't/can't know what's good for you when it comes to "National Security," when it is in fact "National Security" that effectually causes you to be unsafe.

If all "borders" on this planet were open for passage by anyone who desired to traverse them, why would anyone spend their time fuming over one area of the world and its culture when they could EASILY become a member or resident of said place WHENEVER they desired and effectually assist in redefining that areas culture????

If "Nations" didn't exist then individuals couldn't spend time attaching themselves to arbitrary social conditioning belonging to one province of the planet because all land would be a potential home to them and nobody would stop them from being and experiencing wherever they wanted to be and experience! They could just apply their nationalistic allegiance to THE PLANET.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thought Pursuit "11.27.10"

 Day of 12 Red Crystal Skywalker
Tone 12 (Crystal): creative power to Dedicate Cooperation, action to Universalize
Red Skywalker Seal (BEN): Explores and emphasizes Space 

Thought Pursuit on the Conscious Manifestation of Intent...

The conscious manifestation of intent has a striking subtlety within our current illusion/illusions. It is completely natural and it is completely unique. To those that recognize it, it shows itself to be tangible and powerful. But it is not necessarily the easiest presence to perceive.

We're all very capable of manifesting. There are masterful manifestations and crude ones, even cruel ones; and often all those manifesters reside within each of us as individuals, as we reflect what we conceive possible back into the societies we create together.

It can be difficult to grasp our conscious manifestations of intents because the traces they leave behind are our constant acts and reactions. Our habits, our practices, our setbacks. Our triumphs too, but they are harder to remember because we are so present in the exultation of them that we only recall beaming light/love or love/light. Because of this, the paths we persist through on our way to our setbacks, habits, and triumphs are the roads most significant to our experience. When we begin to recognize those paths we choose to walk down (on the way to our setbacks, practices and triumphs), we begin to focus our intent(s).

Considering this, intent proves itself to be a primordial omniversal tool that is free to be used to your chosen degree of proficiency. I think of intent as the conscious investment of thought/action/energy in all energetic exchanges or interactions. Basically it is our sculpting(s) of our existences - uniquely and collectively.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

On The Omniverse

Day of 7 Blue Resonant Eagle
Tone 7 (Resonant): Creative power to Channel Attunement, action of Inspiring
Blue Eagle Seal (MEN): Creates and emphasizes Vision

On Mayan Time

For starters, I'm going to briefly explain why I prefer to document my life by Mayan time as opposed to Gregorian time. Gregorian time has, though originally documented closer to the actual concept of time in the Universe, been misconstrued by religious dogma to such a degree that - in terms of the concept of time IN RELATION TO THE UNIVERSE - it is closer to irrelevance than meaning. Documenting ALL OF TIME IN THE UNIVERSE based on when one individual on Earth died is (I'm about to cuss) fucking stupid. "A.D." and "B.C." do not mean shit in the Universe. What's to keep us from, I dunno, reconfiguring time to when....hmmm, Reagan was born under this system? Or hell, when I was born. Time did not officially start or end with Jesus and, while I don't have him on a direct line, I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree. Therefore, I prefer to document time by the Mayan Calendar, which is far more accurate than any calendar we currently can buy to mark the year in any regular store in the USA. The energetic meaning associated with the scientifically documented time in the Mayan Calendar is also useful in that it gives character to the energy of time, which I think is truer to time than the actual numbers involved. I wrote a paper on this in college and I'll dig it up and blow the dust off of it to see if I can get you a more concrete explanation of Mayan time in the scientific sense. Until then, enjoy the energetic meanings.

Universe vs. Omniverse

While that title makes what I'm about to say sound like some SUPER AWESOME massive destruction movie, I actually desire to differentiate between "my" concept of Space as opposed to what seems to be the general conception of Space. Even though the term "Universe" is not an inaccurate conceptualization of Space, in my opinion, it also is not very descriptive of the complexities of Space.

The prefix "Uni-" means*: (combining form) one; having or consisting of one.

By all dominant dogmas on the planet Earth this must be correct. It is said we come from one "Bang," one "God" or one "Nothing" by the majority of people. Therefore, whatever the source, it is evident that our existence in Space is of a unifying nature (though any observation of this planet might suggest otherwise)...

The definition of "Universe" is*: (n)  (the universe) all existing matter and space considered as a whole; the cosmos.

The definition of "verse" by itself comes from the Latin "versus" meaning turned.*

The unfortunate thing, to me, about the idea of "one" in science is that it tends to lack its multiplicity within the language allowed to describe it. As if the Universe only contains "one" purpose as opposed to ALL purposes. As if even "one" isn't multifaceted. Thus, I prefer to emphasize the Onmi- nature of the Universe.

The definition of the prefix "Omni-" is*: (combining form) a) all; of all things and b) in all ways or places

I generally fluctuate between the terms "OmniUniverse" and "Omniverse" but essentially I think the concept of omni is important to consider in addition to the oneness of the meaning of Universe.

I think it is important to consider because in addition to us all being one in Space, we are all also equally unique in our energetic form/being. Thus, one and all have a dual and FANTASTIC meaning to consider. For all and everything in creation to come from the same source and yet for each energetic entity to be unique in itself is a great gift and privilege.

So from this point on I will be using the terms Omniverse and OmniUniverse.

On "Aliens"

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thought Pursuit "10.26.10"

Day of 6 Red Rhythmic Dragon
Tone 6 (Rhythmic): Creative power to Organize Equality, action of Balance
Red Dragon Seal (IMIX): Nurtures and emphasizes Birth

Thought Pursuit on Perpetual Children...

Perpetual Children feel entitled - to their idiocies and ignorances - EVEN WHEN it is to the obvious detriment/unhappiness of others. Strangely, they generally take pride in what they don't know or understand rather than that which they do know. 

This is probably because they haven't been taught how to learn. Specifically they haven't been taught how to learn anything outside of what their default company knows. Instead they have been taught how to repeat/copy other peoples knowledge; often times in place of trusting their own innate knowledge and feelings/reactions to things (and all this from early childhood).

Because of this, when Perpetual Children come up against new information or understandings, they do not seek out confirmation/negation of said information for themselves from all (or even multiple) angles. (In fact, in the case of most of these adults it doesn't even occur to them to seek out new knowledge when they encounter new information. Actual children, in company with such individuals, are generally discouraged from asking questions outside of Perpetual Children's understandings, thereby quickly resolidifying this pattern).

Essentially these people make an enemy out of learning by understanding, though learning by "simply knowing" remains paramount. This contradictory lifestyle causes unnecessary decay within the sphere of Conscious Intelligence. 

Conscious Intelligence being that knowing which is informed by the present (what's actually happening to you in conjunction with everything/everybody else and not just the story you're directing/making up in your mind) in combination with the continuous pursuit of all knowledge. 

Conscious Intelligence helps an individual to develop a lifestyle that is practiced in order to embody said individual's present existence as closely to the Infinite Creation as possible. The Infinite Creation ("God," "Science," "Nothing") being all knowing, all present and the substance of all creation.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On Perpetual Childhood

I am breaking my blogging silence to talk about an issue that is plaguing our Earthbound Society:

Perpetual Childhood

It presents itself in many insidious forms: ignorance, hate, sexism, petty cruelty, prejudiced laws and overall day to day person-to-person misbehavior.

The truth of the matter is that many people on this Earth are individuals with personalities that are childish. These people think they are adults because history/society/sociologists have told them that adulthood (on the Western front) generally entails (only) the following: a car, bills, a home/apartment, children, marriage and a job they hate/does nothing for them but pay bills. But really, these individuals know NOTHING about most things, least of all themselves. They have adopted VERY BASIC ideas from this or that dogma, culture, social conditioning and they think the Universe is only the size of that dogma. They also think that the world revolves around them, that the majority of people care or should care about what they think and how they choose to live - without returning the courtesy, and that somehow what they believe has authority over other people and should be allowed to control others lives (though if you even try to assert your authority over them they are the quickest to call foul play).

A fine example of this is the law "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (I mean, does this not sound like the name of a child's game of hide and seek?). "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (DADT) is EASILY one of the dumbest, most childish, biggest wastes of paper, time and energy in our ENTIRE constantly expanding multi-dimensional Universe. Read that sentence again if you don't recognize how truly minuscule and idiotic that must make DADT. The main issues with the IDEA of DADT, that I have (hey, this is my blog so expect me to be stating my opinion on a regular basis), are as follows: